Chapter Eighteen

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Niall Horan

I slowly open my eyes and look around in confusion for a moment. There are a couple of hushed whispers coming from somewhere close and as I continue to look around, reality comes crashing down again.

I quickly realize where I am and look down at the beautiful girl in my arms. She looks at ease and I sigh in relief as memories of, what could only be, hours ago resurface. Something really bothered her and I'm still dying to figure it out.

I carefully begin to slip out from beneath her, attempting to avoid waking her. I seem to have no such luck though. She begins to stir and tightens her arm around my torso. Her eyes slowly open and she looks around for a moment, just as I had.

"Wh-what time is it?" Her voice is soft as she asks me. I duck down, pressing a kiss to her head before managing to sit up.

"It must be pretty early. Go back to sleep, my love." Her head rests back against the pillow, but she doesn't close her eyes.

"Where are you going?" I smile at her. She's so damn cute.

"I'm just going to get a drink. Do you need anything?" She shakes her head, followed by a yawn.

"Try to get back to sleep, then. I'll be right back." She sleepily nods and closes her soft eyes. I carefully move out from behind her and off of the couch. I pick up the cozy blanket and drape it over her body, watching as she snuggles back into the warmth.

As I push myself off of the couch, Jensen stands from his spot by the fire. He comes to Brooke's side and stares at me for moment then takes a seat beside her. I smile and pat his head.

"Good boy."

I walk into the kitchen and see Arralyne sitting on the counter with Liam leaning over her, kissing her like a damn fool. Another smile spreads across my face.

He's hooked deep. Like, really deep.

Arralyne must've seen me because she pushes him back a little and blushes furiously. I smirk and reach for the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and lean against the counter.

"Good morning, you two." Liam turns to face me and I raise a brow at him. He waves me off and turns around to help Arralyne off of the counter. I look at the microwave and see the number 2:47 flashing on it. My eyes move back to the couple and I catch sight of Liam pressing his lips to Arralyne's forehead before sending her off.

I push myself away from the counter and make my way back into the living room.

Brooke is sound asleep and I smile before grabbing my phone, placing it in my pocket, then approach the sleeping girl. Jensen moves out of the way as I bend down to scoop up her sleeping body. Her eyes flutter open, looking around confused once again.

"Niall?" She asks, her voice sounding almost concerned.

"Shh, I'm right here, darling. I've got you." I whisper in her ear. She looks at me for a moment, then leans her head against my shoulder, but it falls into the crook of my neck, her warm breath now hitting my skin. I pass Liam in the hallway as I carry her to her room and he gives us a small smile.

I nudge her door open with my foot and walk inside. When we reach her bed, I gently lay her down and make sure her head is securely laying on a pillow. Next, I grab the duvet and drape it over her, gently tucking her body into the material. She snuggles into it which brings a smile to my face.

I can't get enough of this girl.

I lean down and gently press my lips to her forehead before quietly walking out of the room, closing the door to where there's only a small crack open. I yawn as I walk back into the kitchen. Liam is now perched on top of the counter, looking at his phone, but he sets it down when he sees me.

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