Chapter Fifty One

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Brooke Spencer

The next few weeks go by in an absolute blur. I find myself busier than ever with legal issues regarding the bakery and heart and medical tests. I spend a lot of the time that I'm at the hospital with Arralyne, kind of reconnecting with her. Niall has been horribly busy with school, making preparations to graduate and such. We've barely seen each other and to be quite honest, I really miss him. We had lunch two days ago and he slept at mine five nights ago, but other than that, he's been up until the earlier hours of the morning, writing papers and such.

Today I'm heading over to the court to visit with the legal personnel assigned to the bakery. We will be discussing Norma's will today and figuring out who, if anyone, that she assigned the shop to.

As I make my way to my car from my flat, my phone begins to ring. I press talk before even looking. "Hello?"

"Hello my darling." I smile just at his voice.

"Niall, I miss you." I unlock my car and slide in, pressing start.

"God, I miss you too sweetheart. I am so sorry that I haven't been able to see you. School has had me ass deep in papers." I giggle at his word choice as I pull out of the parking lot.

"It's fine, I've been so busy myself. I'm actually on my way to the legal office for the reading of Norma's will."

"They found it?" I hum in response.

"Yeah, and so we are going to see if she put anyone's name in for the bakery."

"Well, I wish you well love. But I do have a question." I remain silent.

"Would you by any chance be free for a date tonight? I would love to take my girl to dinner and then for a walk around the park." I smile and bite my lip.

"That is if you can get a break from your busy life."

"Shut up, I'd love to." He chuckles at me.

"Great, I'll be at your place at about seven thirty, sound good?"

"Of course, I love you." He sighs.

"I love you, baby."


When I arrive at the court house, I hurry inside and to the attorney's office. I knock twice before a voice calls out for me to enter. I close the door behind me before taking a seat at the desk which I've become pretty familiar with.

"Brooke, I hope you've come prepared. I've found some good news." I nod, my eyes fixated on Carson, the attorney.

"As I was reading though the will, not very much of it because well, there are only three people listed on the whole thing," I feel shocked--more than shocked. Three people?

"A woman by the name of Lillie Charleston, a young boy named Seth Collins, and you, Miss Spencer." I'm slightly taken back.

"Me?" He nods profoundly.

"Yes, you are perhaps the most important part to her will." My mouth feels dry. I look down at the desk between us, my brows furrowed.

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