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Hello, my lovelies!! I hope each and every one of you are doing so fantastic!

I have come up with an idea and I hope I don't receive too much flack for it. I think I am going to delete the first chapter. My reasoning is because it doesn't flow with the book. Brooke is talking directly to the audience or recapping on her whole life. This can all be reconfigured within the actual story. I think it gives far too much away at the beginning.

I really do hope you transition well with me. I am also reconstructing pieces of the book. There's a bit more sex (who doesn't love that?), more maturity in writing (my fourteen year old self was a bit weak at times), and some loose ends that needed tying up.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I will gladly answer them. Also, I was thinking...would y'all like some bonus chapters? Send me ideas and I might just use yours! I have a couple of ideas in mind. I may write up to TEN chapters.

I am writing another Niall book and would love for you to check it out! It's different, but I think it's a good different.

I love and miss you all SO very much!❤️

So, so much love!


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