Chapter Twenty Six

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Niall Horan

Immediately upon waking, the sunlight streams through the curtains, and floods my vision. I squint to allow my eyes a chance to adjust. After blinking a few times, I look over to see Brooke curled into my body. Her arms are wrapped around my torso, almost as if hugging a pillow, and her head is nuzzled against my bare chest. My arm lays over her shoulders and upper back, and I smile upon realizing how close we are.

I begin to lazily drag my fingers along her back, trying to avoid waking her. Her long hair slips between my fingers and that silky feeling suddenly becomes my favorite touch. She shifts against my body and I hold my breath, waiting for her to wake, but she does no such thing. My fingers resume their pattern and I feel my chest deflate with a comforting sigh.

After some time of lying still, I feel the need to stretch, but have no such luck. I smile a tired smile when I realize that our legs have somehow managed to intertwine during the night. Brooke is the closest she's ever been to me and I have absolutely no desire to go anywhere.

Last night—just thinking about it sends my heart into a pitter-pattering mess— was surreal. I think our relationship is beginning to seriously build and strengthen. After the night that we had, I'd be devastated if we didn't work out. This woman has something so special about her. Her heart is far too large for her body and I adore how much she cares about any and every thing. She's beautiful; God, she is so beautiful. Her internal and external beauty make my heart skip beats. How I got so lucky, I will never know.

A small sigh pushes past Brooke's lips, drawing me out of my thoughts. She begins to stir against me and my fingers still. I await patiently as she begins to stretch. Her fingers curl against my chest and her legs strain against mine, but she quickly falls back into her previous position, curling back into my body. I know she is no longer asleep and my heart gives an excited thump. The thought of hearing her voice, so fresh from sleep, thrills every single nerve in body.

"Good morning, beautiful." I whisper to her before kissing the top of her hair. She shifts her body upward so that she can be eye to eye with me. She props her head onto her elbow and takes a look at me.

"Good morning, Niall." She smiles at me and draws her hand up to cradle my cheek. I allow my eyes to flutter shut, for a moment, to absorb the feeling of her touch on my skin. She's always so gentle and soft with me and I can not get enough of her.

When I open my eyes again, the look that I am greeted with makes me want to cave into every sexual desire that I crave from her. Her eyes are watching my face very closely. They are intimate and innocent at the same time, and they hold a certain sign of sweetness as well. I could get used to waking up to this every morning.

I bring my hand to lay on top of hers and she sends me a sweet smile. The bracelet on her wrist passes beneath my fingers, bringing a smile to my own face. I love that she loved her gift and I hope she continues to cherish it.

Once my fingers reach hers, I pry her hand from my face and bring it to my lips to press a kiss against the skin of her palm. I then bring our hands between us and softly push my fingers through hers.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask as she looks down at our intertwined fingers. A sleepy smile tugs at her lips as her thumb begins to drag against the back of my hand. I swallow the lump that appears in my throat. The simplest movements and touches make me emotional. I question, once again, how I became so lucky.

"That was one of the best night's rest I've had in a very long time." Hers eyes flit back to mine.

"I think I have to agree with that. It's been a while since I've slept with another body curled into me." A sweet blush creeps up her neck and I peck her cheek.

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