Chapter Fifty Seven

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*May 27th (Approximately a month later)*

"And that concludes the graduation ceremony of the class of 2016. Thank you for coming today!" Just as the crowd erupts in cheers, every cap from the student section is thrown into the air. I smile softly and stand from my seat, gathering my phone and keys. I manage to move my way through the crowds of people until I reach the familiar face that had asked me to come today.

"Brooke!" I'm engulfed in a tight embrace and a light laugh falls from my lips.

"You look gorgeous, El. Congratulations!" She squeals in excitement and thanks me, before being swept away by her uni friends and some family. I feel someone bump into me and I timidly move out of the way. However, the person steps closer. I turn my head and feel my eyes widen in surprise.

"Harry!" He smiles and opens his arms for a hug. He quietly chuckles in my ear and gives me a tight squeeze before releasing my body. Sarah appears behind him with an excited Amy trailing behind. "Sarah, you look gorgeous! How are you?" She hugs me, handing Amy's hand to Harry's before wrapping both arms around my body.

"I'm doing very well. You look absolutely stunning." I smile and thank her. When she returns to Harry's side, I notice Amy has another body tagging along with her. I inhale harshly causing both Sarah and Harry to turn towards me.

"Brooke, honey, you alright?" Harry brings a hand to the small of my back and I quickly nod, my eyes not trailing from the little boy standing beside Amy.

"Oh, there you guys are. Thanks for keeping an eye on this little man for me." My eyes are quick to move from their previous spot to the person now bending down to scoop up the young child. When his eyes meet mine, his smile slightly dims.

"Congrats mate!" Harry is the first to speak and moves to hug one of his best friends. Niall gives him a hug with one arm, his other holding his nephew tightly. His eyes continue to stare directly back into my own.

When the guys part, I look down and back at Sarah as she approaches me with conversation. I can feel his eyes boring into the side of my face, but I keep my eyes on the girl in front of me.

After a few minutes, Sarah directs her attention to Harry whom is looking at her. Amy is resting in his arms, looking very tired. "Honey, you ready?" Sarah nods with a slight blush. I smile at the two of them and walk towards Harry and give him a soft hug. My hands smooth some of the hair from Amy's face and my lips press to her forehead before stepping away. I say my quiet goodbyes and take another step back as they walk away, leaving Niall and I alone.

"You look beautiful." Niall's voice makes my eyes flutter to his. I take in every bit of his face, noticing that he looks sufficiently healthier than the last time I saw him.

"Congratulations," I motion to the diploma in his free hand. He smiles that award winning smile and thanks me. Things grow quiet for a long moment and time seems to stop. Our eyes read one another's very clearly and I can't help but look away when tears begin to gather in my own.

"Brooke," His voice is soft and so are his eyes when our gazes meet once again. I bite my bottom lip, trying to prevent myself from crying, when he moves closer and pulls me in for a hug. My body stiffens beneath his touch, but soon relaxes into him.

God, I miss you.

"Let's do dinner, huh? I can get Harry to watch this little guy." His voice is slightly shaky as he suggests some plans. Mine couldn't possibly be any stronger so I just give a soft nod of my head. His face breaks out in a smile.

"Would you mind if I picked you up?" Again, I only move my head. And again, he smiles.

"Then I will see you at about eight tomorrow. Would that be alright?" This time, I clear my throat.

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