Chapter Twenty One

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Brooke Spencer

I wake up in a sweat. My hair is wet and my shirt is too. For a moment, I wonder if I just had a bad dream, but then the inevitable sickness comes crashing down on me.

My eyes squeeze shut and I feel myself frown as my head begins to throb. A soft groan escaped my lips.

I nearly jump out of my skin when I f eel a hand press to my forehead. My eyes abruptly open which causes another wave of pain.

"Hey, hey. It's only me." My eyes meet those of Niall's before he takes a seat on the edge of my bed. His hand begins to smooth some of the wet hair from my forehead and I watch as he frowns.

"How are you feeling?" I hum and allow my eyes to close against his soft touch.

"I feel like hell." His hand doesn't stop and I feel myself about to fall asleep again.

"I wish I didn't have to go." My eyes open again to find his frown even deeper. I reach up to place a hand on his jaw and I watch as he pulls my hand down so that he can kiss the heel of my palm. I smile.

"I'll be fine." He kisses the back side of my hand and then places it back on the bed.

"I'll be back after my classes. Please take it easy and stay in bed as much as you can." I bite my lip and nod, sending a wave of pain through my head. He must notice.

"Here's some medicine and water. I need you to take these two now and then take this one when I get back. I also made you soup which is in the refrigerator. Please drink as much water as you can and try to eat. I hate seeing you--"

"Niall, I will. I promise you. Calm down, honey." I let out a soft laugh. He breathes out then leans forward against my forehead before pressing a kiss there.

"I just need you to get better." I smile and press a kiss to his chin.

"With a man like you to take care of me, I'll be better in no time." I watch as he smiles and kisses my cheek before standing from his spot on the edge of my bed.

"I'll be back. You should sleep some more." I nod and bury myself deeper in the covers. He shoots me one last smile before grabbing his phone.

"Call me if you need anything. I'm going to class, but I'll have my phone close."

"Niall, I'm not dying." I giggle and he chuckles.

"I know, I just want you to know that you have me." I smile and thank him.

He leaves after that and I feel myself not wanting to get up just yet. I feel sleep tugging me under and I give in quickly.

. . .

I push myself out of bed after sleeping for another hour or so. My body feels achy and my head feels slightly dizzy.

This is a nightmare.

I take the time to take the medicine that Niall instructed me to take and down a bottle of water after.

After brushing my teeth, I make my way into the kitchen. Everything is neatly in place and clean. I know for sure it wasn't anywhere near this clean when I left yesterday.

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