Chapter Thirty Two

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Niall Horan

January 7th,
This week has been incredible. Brooke and I have spent much time together. I finally gave her the new charm, to add to her bracelet, that Theo helped me pick out. She adores it.

Brooke also finally gave me my gift. She bought tickets to go watch her favorite American football team, back from her home. The tickets are fifty yard line, twenty one rows up, great seats! It's their first home game so she told me I have to experience that, and she wants to be by my side. The game isn't until september, which she mentioned is also my birthday month, and that she has already planned my birthday out for me.

However, it warmed my heart when she was discussing all of these plans, clearly stating that she wants to keep me around. That idea drives me absolutely crazy. I love her. God, I love this girl. And I want nothing more than to be with her, for as long as I possibly can.

Hopefully that means I get to marry her someday and start a family with her. I feel the smile creeping up on me right now, but I could care less. She makes me crazily happy. I wouldn't dare trade her for anything.

Other than the gifts, we both went to the hospital to visit Amy, Sarah, and Harry. And hell. Harry loves both of them. I remember the girls going to get coffee and Harry and I were standing outside of the room while a nurse came in to check Amy's tubes and wires. Amy claimed to be a big girl and didn't want anyone else in the room with her. Harry, being the over protective, caring, father type figure to that little girl, stood right in the doorway. Only moments after the nurse walked in, Amy began to freak out a bit, calling for none other than Harry. Of course he came to her rescue, picking her up and resting her in his lap, while the nurse continued her duties. I stood in the doorway, just simply admiring the way Harry watched the little girl. The way he took care of her. The way he was set on edge every time she would cringe or jump in pain or shock. He loves her. It's a nice sight to see.

Today is my first day returning to my classes, but we're not doing much. Brooke also returned to work today. She seemed excited to go back to Norma. Now, that little old woman is something special to Brooke. She's like a grandmother to her. And their relationship is remarkable. I enjoy watching the two of them mess around with each other. Brooke smiles a lot when she's with Norma. And of course, whenever Brooke is happy, I'm happy.

"I'll see you all tomorrow. Have a nice day." Professor Harvick dismisses us. I walk out of the building, waving to a couple of people and pull out my phone. I have one missed call. It's from Harry. I quickly dial his number while getting into my car. I hear the call connect, but I do not hear anything from his side.

"Harry?" I ask softly as I pull from my parking space and begin driving.

"Niall. I um, I.." He trails off, his voice soft and really quiet.

"You alright?" The line is silent for a few seconds until he speaks up again.

"Um, I could, I could really use some company." I stop at the red light, concern lacing my thoughts.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" I hear him sniff.

"Would you come up to the hospital? Please Niall?" I begin to switch lanes as we speak, taking me down the road that leads to the hospital.

"Harry, what's going on?" I press the gas a bit harder, my thoughts running wild.

"I cant.." He trails off again, sniffing a few times.

"Alright, hang in there. I'll be there in just a few minutes, okay?" I hear him hum in response and I hang up.

What the hell could be going on? I hope to god that everyone is okay. I hope Harry's fine, Sarah's fine, and Amy. Something is tearing Harry apart though. It has my nerves set on edge. My thoughts are jumping to Amy. She is the one with cancer, here. God no. Harry wouldn't be able to live with himself if something bad happened to that little girl. Harry would lose it. He's already losing it.

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