Chapter Twenty Nine

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Niall Horan

"Niall, are you sure you want to keep him? Are you sure you can handle him?" Denise asks as I follow her into their home. I laugh at her choice of words.

"Denise, we'll be fine. He wants to spend time with his uncle Niall. We're going to be great! This will also give you and Greg a chance to have some alone time." This time she laughs at my words.

"Dear, that sounds so foreign. It's been a while." She motions me to take a seat as she gathers Theo's clothes.

"Exactly! You and Greg might finally have an opportunity to make another baby." I hint and she whips around to eye me dangerously.

"Don't you start. Theo and Greg have teamed up against me. They've began to beg me for another baby. Your brother is a proper douche for even entertaining the idea." My brows furrow.

"I don't understand. Have I missed something?" Her expression softens.

"I thought you knew." I raise a brow and she returns to folding the child's clothing.

"There's such a large possibility that I won't be able to bear another child. My doctor made that rather clear when we had Theo. I could've sworn that Greg told you." My heart gives a heavy thud.

"I wasn't aware. I'm sorry, love."

"It's fine, dear. I just can't wrap my mind around why he keeps pressing the issue, but whatever. Could you hand that to me?" She points to a pair of socks beside me and I give them over without another word. I decide to drop it.

"Oh, get this. I dressed Theo this morning and," She pauses and eyes me. "The two of us must carry similar taste." She laughs and my brow raises.

"Theo, uncle Niall is here!" She calls for her son. Still not understanding her last comment, I await for the little guy. Once he appears around the corner, I begin to chuckle.

"My shoes!" Theo exclaims as he looks at mine then to his. I nod and pull him into a hug.

"We have the same shoes!" He giggles and I feel myself so the same.

"Ready to have some fun?" His eyes widen and he squeals out of excitement.

"Where's Greg?" I ask.

"He's at work. He was called in at six this morning." I cringe at the thought.

"He'll be off tonight, yeah?" She nods.

"Good, good." I look down at Theo.

"You ready?" He nods and rushes to his mum, giving her a big hug and kiss.

"I love you mama."

"I love you too, baby. Be good!" She stands back up and quickly hugs me before handing Theo's bag over to me.

"You be good too."

"Always." she laughs and shakes her head.

"I'm serious! Have fun, you two."

"Bye mama!"

Once we reach the car, I put Theo's bag inside, then put him into his car seat before carefully strapping him in. After I get Theo situated, I run around to get inside, quickly igniting the vehicle and turning the heat on high.

"Alright, are you hungry?" His eyes get big and he nods.

"Me too. What do you want to eat?" He brings his hand to his chin, lightly stroking, with a deep thinking face. I chuckle at him.

"What about soup?" I back out of the driveway and think for a second.

"I know where we'll go. Is Dusty's alright with you?" He nods again and I begin driving.

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