Chapter Thirty Six

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Brooke Spencer

I have been on the go all weekend long. Thursday was the last proper night I spent with Niall. I try not to think about it too much because I do miss him very much. I've barely had one moment to talk to him.

I've been working the bakery, practically running the place myself because I've personally put Norma on bed rest. She's been so sick for the past five or six days and I'm beginning to grow concerned.

The bakery has been much busier than usual. I would have thought it would have died down after the holidays, but it did the exact opposite. We've been swamped from open to close for weeks now and to say I'm exhausted is a huge understatement.

I called Harry to ask him to help me today, knowing that he has had experience in a bakery. I was hesitant but more than desperate. Without his assistance, I would've been in a really bad place today.

Once I step out of the elevator, onto my floor, I start fiddling with my keys, trying to find the one to my apartment door. I'm so tired that I can hardly see straight.

Unfortunately, there's also a small little pulse of pain in my chest. I'm not sure where it's coming from and uncomfortable doesn't describe it well enough.

Lucky for me, before I can even find it, the door opens and I see Niall walking toward me, a leash in hand.

"Hello, darling." He flashes a sweet smile. I return it and walk closer, wrapping my arms around him. I feel his lips press to the top of my head and his arms gently squeeze my body. I feel myself wince as I draw in a breath, but I shake it off.

We stand there for a moment and I allow him to hold me tighter than ever.

"I've missed you." I hum.

"I've missed you too. I've missed you so much."

My head leans back so that I can see him better and he leans down, giving me a soft peck on the lips.

"I've got chili on the stove. It probably has about twenty minutes left. " I smile and kiss his cheek, quietly thanking him.

I walk around him, my face slipping into immediate discomfort. I thought I had managed to wait until I was out of Niall's view, but I guess I was wrong.

"Brooke?" I turn, just as I yawn, to look at him again.

"Are you alright?" I quickly nod.

"Yeah, I'm just really tired. I've been so busy lately. I can't think straight. I'll tell you more when you come back." He watches me for a moment then nods.

"I'll be back. I love you."

"And I love you."

I walk inside and close the door behind me, immediately welcomed by warmth and the smell of chili. I'm quickly greeted by Sandy which leads me to believe that Arralyne is home.

"Brooke, hi." Liam softly greets as he walks into the kitchen.

"Hi, Liam. How are you?"

"I'm doing pretty well. You?" I take my coat off and I hang it on the hook in the entry way.

"Tired." We both chuckle. I exit the kitchen and am abruptly pulled into a hall. Arralyne squeezes my wrist and my brows furrow.

"We need to talk." This is all I receive before I'm yanked into her room.

"Well hello to you too." I frown and she sighs. She pushes the door closed and begins to pace.

"What is it?" She shakes her head and begins tugging at her hair slightly.

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