Chapter Fifteen

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Niall Horan

November 4,

Okay, I lost the bet by a lot. Brooke beat me horribly at a game she claimed she wan't any good at. Perhaps she played me. Maybe she was a great player all along despite what she had told me.

Tonight is our date which I had promised upon my loss. My heart flutters every time I think about seeing her again. It's only been a few days since our last date but I have been dying to see her ever since. We've kept things pretty casual since we've started seeing each other but I plan to change that tonight. Instead, I'm going to wine and dine her, and show her that I am perfectly capable of giving her everything she deserves.

N. H.

There's a knock at the door just as I finish up my entry. I place the journal on the end table before making my way to the door. I open it to reveal Brooke. She looks up at me and gives me the sweetest smile I've ever seen. Wow, she is exquisite. I find myself quickly getting lost in the details of her face.  Her cheeks a marked pink from the cold air and her eyes seem to glisten under the porch light. Her smile is absolutely infectious. I cannot believe that this woman is choosing to spend time with me and pursue me.

"Am I allowed to come in?" Her question is asked teasingly and I realize that I've been caught in the act. I break our eye contact and move aside to let her in. She walks past me and I close the door behind us. When I turn around, I see Brooke shrugging her coat off. She turns to face me again and raises her coat with a questioning look. I reach forward to take it from her before taking a step closer.

"You look beautiful." She practically beams up at me.

"Thank you. You look rather handsome yourself." She bends down to pick up a brown sack from the ground.

"I brought chocolate covered strawberries and a bottle of wine."

She's romantic. I like that.

"You might have just found the way to my heart." I take the bag from her hands and tilt my head toward the kitchen. Once I round the corner, I place the bag in the fridge then excuse myself for a moment to hang her coat in the entry way closet. Once I return, I see Brooke leaning against the counter.

"So, what's on the menu for the evening? It smells delicious." 

"Tonight, I have prepared a tasty French soup for us to dine on, mademoiselle." I conjure up my best French accent and she buys into it. She releases the sweetest laugh my ears have ever heard and I feel my heart flutter once again. I grab for a couple of wine glasses before grabbing the bottle from the counter. "Is this okay or would you like the one you brought?" I show her the bottle.

"That one's good." I nod then pour each of us a glass before handing one to her. Before taking a drink, she holds out her glass and I clink mine against hers. 

"So, where did you learn to cook French food?" 

"I like to consider myself of many talents. I actually quite enjoy cooking and I do believe I'm pretty good at it." I turn toward the pot of soup and remove the lid to stir the contents.

"Can't wait to find out if there's any truth to that statement." I send a look of hurt over my shoulder and am met with a giddy laugh. I quickly redirect my attention to the food with a rather content smile.

 "Perfect. Now, if you would, please take a seat at the table while I fix our dishes." She giggles again and grabs her glass.

The table is set up with two candles and a black table cloth. Very classy, yet simple enough.

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