Chapter Forty Eight

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Brooke Spencer

Niall and I have been inseparable. He's shown me around his home town and all of the little memory filled places. Such as where he went to school, where he first worked, even where he kissed his first real girlfriend. It wasn't hard to miss his longing to be back home. He's missed it, I can tell.

"Dear, would you hand me the flour, there?" I nod and grab for the container, handing it over to Maura.

"Thank you," she sends a warm smile my way and I send her one right back.

"What are you thinking about? You look very concentrated," she's quite inquisitive.

"Do you think Niall misses home?" I glance up at her and see a small smile on her lips as she kneads the dough on the counter.

"Yes, no doubt about it. However, he adores London because you're there," I feel a small blush creep up on me. Maura laughs and shoots me a wide grin.

"My son cares a very great deal about you, Brooke."

"Oh gosh, how could anyone miss it?" Bobby walks in and places a hand onto my shoulder.

"The boy is mad about you," again I blush.

"I mean, why wouldn't he be? She's absolutely stunning. Beautiful, hilarious, extremely sweet-"

"Oh my gosh, please stop!" I place my hands over my face, giggling at the compliments.

"Bobby, you're embarrassing the poor girl. Go," he laughs and places his hands in the air, in defense.

"Okay okay. Just wanted to let you know that Greg, Denise and Theo are here." He swiftly kisses her cheek and exits.

My eyes advert to the window and I can see a man climbing out of the car. Already, I can tell that this is Greg. Niall nearly attacks the poor guy. Next, I can see a woman get out and open up the back, getting out whom I assume is Theo.

I've been looking forward to meeting this part of his family. Niall talks so highly of them.

"You know that you're it for him, right?" I blink and look back at her, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. I feel my brows crease and she laughs.

"Honey, I already know that he's going to marry you someday," I can feel the air leave my lungs and I look down, my heart pounding.

"He talks non stop about you. Niall is crazy about you," I look up again, a soft smile on her lips and I suck in a large breath.

"Are you alright? Is everything okay?" I nod and blink away the burning tears, eagerly trying to escape.

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine. I'm good," she gives me a hesitant look before walking to the refrigerator and grabbing a bottle of water.

"Here, you should drink something," she hands me the bottle and I quietly thank her, unscrewing the lid, and taking a long sip.

"You know, that's actually quite beautiful," again I feel my brows crease and she opens her mouth to speak again.

"That's one way that I can tell that you are truly genuine about my son. All I did was mention how much he loves you and your heart, it- Does that happen often?"

"All the time. My heart literally skips beats when he's near or when I'm discussing him," she smiles and blinks several of times, making me shake my head.

"Oh please don't cry," she shakes her head and starts fanning her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just, come here," I walk around the counter and she embraces me in a tight hug.

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