Thank You

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Hey everyone!


I want to take a minute to tell you thank you for everything. I began writing this book like 3 years ago and took a really long break. It's had a bit more success than I thought it would and it's all thanks to you guys!

I'm going to be editing the book over the next few weeks and I'm pretty sure I've got another Niall fanfic coming. I'll leave the theme as a surprise. It's coming in March of 2017! If you'd like to know more or have any questions, feel free to message me.

Again, thank you so much. You guys have unknowingly been a rock of mine and I am so so so grateful.

I am so sorry if this book didn't end the way you'd like. I tried to convey a realistic, very possible scenario with a very ill girl and a very loving boy. Their love was meant to encourage others to look for something just as sweet. It's not unrealistic--remember that.

Their story was also to convey the sad truth behind life. They were both such good people yet everything was destroyed around them. They were only human and could only do so much. And the fact that they wanted to give everything to each other only proves that it's okay to feel that way about another human in your life. Sure it's scary but it's worth it.

I want to take a moment and explain some things that I feel like I didn't share in the book very well.

Arralyne: She had nothing against Niall--she was solely concerned about her best friend. She just didn't know how to accept someone that could potentially destroy her friend. It wasn't that she wasn't happy for Brooke--she just wanted to protect her.

Arralyne and Liam: I loved these two. When they got pregnant, they decided to get married shortly after they had their baby. They did name the baby Brookelyne--though Brooke was still alive at the time. They did ask Brooke and Niall to be the godparents of their baby. And they only had one child.

Lillie Johnson, her brother Austin, Chase, Seth, and Amy: All of these people listed were ill with some kind of terminal cancer or just medically unfortunate. When Brooke died--in the hospital shortly after she received a heart, her healthy organs were distributed to these people, including Niall. She saved so many lives and helped Austin see again.

Harry, Sarah, and Amy: Sarah and Harry eventually married. They would have had many children. Harry loved Amy like she was his own from the very beginning and she loved him. At some point, Niall and Harry grew closer than Niall was with Liam. It happens. It was nothing against Liam--Harry just stood out a lot more.

Brooke: God, where do I begin? I loved her so much. She was an incredibly strong girl and I kind of wrote her as a role model. She was always so kind and warm hearted no matter what.

Brooke and Niall were together for about 6 years total. She and Niall married each other then allowed their family with Theo to grow. Brooke loved that little boy like he was her own and she was a damn good mother. When Theo was 8--about 4 years after they married--Brooke and Niall had a baby girl named Mallory (Brooke's middle name). That baby became their world and about a month after she had the baby, she received a heart.

Two days after receiving the heart, Brooke was still recovering in the hospital and Niall was headed there to see her when out of no where, he was t-boned by a drunk driver. When he was rushed into the hospital, his and Brooke's hearts were so spiritually conjoined that she could feel it in her chest and she coded--going into cardiac arrest. She died after they tried to resuscitate her for about 6 minutes. That's when someone yelled that they had a donor for Niall--who needed a new pancreas due to cancer.

Niall, though he shouldn't have, found out three days later that he gained his wife's pancreas. He was utterly destroyed. Niall reverted to a lot of drinking for a lot of months after the funeral. Though, his cancer was fully gone, he had to still finish up chemo and radiation. The drinking didn't make that easy.

Theo and Mallory stayed with Harry and Sarah a lot for about 4 months because Niall just kind of jumped off of the deep end. He never visited Brooke until 4 years later--the last chapter of the book.

After those first 4 months, he regained himself and took his babies back. They began to flourish as a little family. Theo had to go through therapy because his loss of his "mother"(Brooke) was too much to handle. Niall changed too. He began to work a lot more at his flourishing music class studio and just spending time with his babies. He had to raise a new born all by himself. He was scared and very broken.

When he visited Brooke, something else changed. He listened to what she said about finding someone else. He started dating and after two dates, he found a new--but different, love. He and Madeline hit it off very well because she had also lost a husband due to a medical issue. She also was on the heart transplant list. She received her husband's heart and didn't date for a long while. They eventually married and had two babies of their own.

So yeah, that's that.

Again, thank you guys so fucking much. You've no idea what you guys mean to me and what an encouragement you are for me. A million times, thank you. This book is so sad to end and I hope you loved every bit of it as I have. Please, keep an eye out for my new Niall book in a couple of months.

One last time, thank you so so so so much.

Much fucking love,


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