Chapter Eight

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Niall Horan

October 6,

I drove her home a couple of nights ago and she kissed my cheek. I can still feel her lips pressed against my skin and I wish I could have held her there forever. I wanted to turn my head and allow our lips to connect  so terribly bad. I know they would've been so soft against my own. A kiss to the cheek was a step in the right direction though. If I could afford to be reckless with her, I would've found some way to kiss her the first time I met her. I don't know how she does it, but she already has this hold on me. It's like some kind of witch craft or wizardry. It feels like Brooke has cast a spell on me.

I can't seem to get her out of my head. Perhaps she slipped me a love potion in my coffee on the day that we first met. Each time I have parted from her, I've been dying for more. Call it infatuation or whatever, but she has me hooked on her already. I can't shake her from my thoughts and even my dreams. Those soft eyes seem to melt me into a puddle and that puddle pools in the palm of her hand. 

It sounds absolutely insane. I've known her about two, maybe three weeks now. It's crazy to be feeling this way. Right? Am I right? During my last relationship, it took me nearly six months to tell the girl that I love her. I'm not saying I love Brooke because THAT would be crazy. I don't know her like that, but what I do know is that I've never felt so curious and drawn to someone in such a short amount of time as I feel toward her. It's scary actually. If I didn't have other obligations, I could easily sit inside of that bakery all day and talk the hours away like we did that day. But why? Why could I dedicate that much time to a stranger?

Maybe I bonded to her that night in the hospital. But how? We hardly spoke. I've never feared for another person's life like I did for her that night though. I don't really have any answers here. If someone else does, that would be really great. 


A knock on my door is followed by Liam telling me that the game is on. I let him know that I'll be out there in a minute. I carefully tuck the journal away into my night stand and close it. I grab a shirt from my closet and pull it over my head before heading into the living room. "Who do we have on the schedule today boys?"

"So, it's the Cowboys versus the Giants and I'll be damned if he drops the ball again!" I chuckle as I reach for a beer from the fridge. There's all kind of tail-gate food on the counters and there's alcohol everywhere. I look around the kitchen and into the living room and realize that there are a ton of people here. I don't even know half of them.

"Come on! You should've had that one!  Can't take this team anywhere!" There's a sudden outburst from a few of the guys. I turn the corner and look at the screen where I can see a clear replay of one of our receivers dropping the ball upon an attempted catch from the quarterback. If this is how it's been all of the first quarter, we are in for a bad game.

I turn around to grab a bar stool and see Harry already sitting on one. He's clearly not paying any attention to the game and is surrounded by several empty bottles of beer. "You alright, H?" He looks at me and nods with a small smile.

"Yeah, just dealing with some stuff." I take a drink and take a seat beside him. "You know that girl I've been talking to, Bridgette?" I nod and prompt him to go on. "Yeah, it turns out, she was seeing another guy this whole time." He shakes his head and takes another drink. "I should've known, you know? Girls, man, they are just really good at hiding stuff like that. It just sucks." He trails off and takes another drink. "I don't mean to be the downer here today. He shakes his head again.

"No, I totally get it man. It sucks and I know you're going through it right now. Look, I've been there before. I dated this girl a while back ago who I was head over heels for. I invited her to go to this party with me and she reluctantly said yes. I chose to ignore that but it later bit me. We get there and she disappeared for like thirty, maybe forty-five minutes." I take a drink before continuing. "One of my buddies found me and told me that I should go check out the master suite. It turned out, she had been sleeping with one of my best friends for months." Harry blows some air out.

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