Chapter Forty Six

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AN: Hey everybody! Just wanted to say a big hey and hope you enjoy this chapter! I know it's been eternity and I am so sorry. Exciting things are about to happen though! Big love!xxx So sorry it took so long!


Niall Horan

A startling breath, ripping from Brooke's throat, pulls me back into a conscious state from my sleeping one. My eyes are quick to open and fall on the girl whom has my heart, quickly pushing myself into a sitting position. My hand extends to her back as I take in her distraught state. She's sitting up, but hunched over with her head resting in her hands.

"Hey hey, everything is alright. You're okay Brooke." When she doesn't respond, I inch closer until I'm resting directly beside her body. I softly wrap my arms around to her thigh, opposite me, and turn her to face me. I gently grasp her chin between my thumb and my index, guiding her attention to me. A sharp breath is inhaled as her eyes flick to mine, my heart slightly shattering at the sight.

She looks exhausted. There are dark bags beneath her eyes and a frown etched into her features. Her shoulders seem tense and her whole face just reads, defeated.

"C'mere," I pull her forward so that her face rests in the crook of my neck. She lets out an exasperated sigh and I feel her hand slip beneath my shirt, nails softly grazing the skin at my back. My lips press to her head multiple of times before I move my lips close to her ear.

"Was it a dream?" A subtle nod is all that I receive from her. My hands smooth down the expanse of her back and I continue assaulting her precious skin with soft kisses.

"Would you like to talk about it?" I feel that I already know the answer to that, but it can't hurt to ask. So, when she lets out another breath and gives a small nod of her head, I find myself shocked. She gives me side a gentle squeeze before withdrawing her touch from my skin and sitting back. She makes eye contact and blows out another breath. I grab her hand, allowing hers to play with my finger tips as she gathers her thoughts.

"It was about Norma," she shakes her head with a sigh and looks down at our hands.

"I still struggle to believe that she is really gone. It just feels like someone is pulling a really sick joke on me, you know?" again she shakes her head, allowing her teeth to sink into her bottom lip. I lean forward, no longer being able to handle the crease settled between her brows, and press my lips directly there. I notice her lips tug up into a soft smile, small and tired, but still a smile.

"I know, baby. I am so sorry," again, I kiss her forehead and smile at her. We sit in silence for a few minutes, nothing but our breathing able to be heard. My heart gives a soft thud when she brings my hand to her mouth and kisses the back of it. Her lips spend their time, grazing over each of my knuckles, placing all of her emotion into the soft assaults. Whilst she is doing so, an idea strikes me. I need to get her away from here for a little while. She needs to get away from this town and everything that reminds her of Norma.

"Brooke?" she looks up at me, still holding my hand in her own.

"Why don't we go somewhere for a little while?" I watch as her brows crease in obvious confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Well," I pause, looking down then back up.

"I want to get you out of London for a while. I feel like you need to get out, get away and forget some things for a while," her eyes shoot back to my own, an excited glimmer in them.

"Okay, where? When?" Her voice holds an excitement and I realize that she too, has probably been itching to get away for a little while. I'm just ready to get my girl back. She is becoming closed and distant and I feel desperate to get her back.

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