Chapter Eleven

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Niall Horan

Okay, Niall. You want wings. Just pick a wing flavor. There's traditional buffalo, garlic Parmesan, sweet honey...honey. Just like the color of her eyes. Those sweet, large honey colored eyes. Those honey eyes that could make me bend over backwards, jump through all of the hoops, and climb Mount Everest just by batting those seemingly perfect lashes at me.

Good Lord, Niall. What is wrong with you?

If I knew, I wouldn't be having such a problem with selecting a flavor to go on my wings. If I knew what was wrong with me, perhaps I could eat without my stomach twisting into the tightest knots I've ever felt. If I knew what was wrong with me, I wouldn't spend every single second of every single minute of every single hour of every single day thinking about her.

Sounds kind of obsessive to me.

Obsessive? Great! I'm obsessing over her. Here I go being Joe Goldberg and obsessing over this girl whom I haven't known long at all. Am I being obsessive? I literally think of her all of the time. Is that obsessive? I mean, I don't follow her or anything. Well, I actively check her social media. Maybe that's obsessive? I definitely shouldn't do that. Mental note made.

Okay, NOW you're acting like psycho. It's not obsession, you moron. It's...infatuation.

Okay, infatuation. I can deal with that. I mean, yeah! I'm not obsessing over her. I'm simply infatuated with the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Does infatuation really mean not being able to eat or sleep properly? I have never felt this giddiness over a girl in my entire life. Is she an enchantress? Am I being charmed?

Yes, Niall. Spooky season is upon us and the witches have risen to charm men that surround them. Perhaps there's a voodoo doll hanging beneath your bed.

That's going to get annoying very quickly. I am well aware that she's not a witch or sorcerer. It's just, what the hell did I do to deserve someone like her to take interest in me?

"Niall?" I quickly look toward the voice and find Harry staring inquisitively at me. My eyes sweep across the other face sitting at the table and I raise a brow then look back at Harry.

"Yes?" They both begin to chuckle.

"What's got you dazed?" I stare at him for a moment before shaking my head.

"It's nothing, alright?" I look back at my menu but it's soon plucked from my hands. I look to my right and see that Liam is the one who took it. He raises his brow and gives me a teasing look.

"It looks like you're thinking about a certain someone." I roll my eyes but find myself fighting back a smile in the process. I snatch my menu back from his hands because Sarah is approaching our table.

"I need to pick my wing flavor."

"Well, you were staring at that menu long enough. I figured you'd have it figured out by now." I shake my head.

"Okay, here are your drinks." The three of us give her  our friendly gratitude before I focus back on my menu again.

Just pick a flavor already.

I'm trying, I'm trying! Focus Niall. Just pick a freakin' flavor. I mull over the options before settling on the honey barbecue. She gets both of the guy's orders before taking mine. Once she's all finished, she lays a hand on Harry's shoulder then disappears to place our orders.

"I take it that's going well?" Harry looks at me and smiles.

"I'd say so. We've been talking for a couple of weeks now." Has it been that long? I remember it like it was yesterday that Harry was piss drunk in my kitchen over Bridgette. I think that was her name.

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