Chapter Four

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Niall Horan

I wake up to the sound of beeping from a machine. It's soft and not over bearing but it's loud enough to let you know what's happening to the patient.

I stretch my legs and arms in front of me allowing the muscles to lengthen and breathe a little since they've been locked into the same place for a couple of hours now. Next, I pop my back and quickly realize that I might need a chiropractor after tonight's stay. This chair is really not the most comfortable thing to sleep on. You would think they'd utilize more comfortable furniture to accommodate guests that might stay.

I take a look around. The room is dimly lit and my eyes are able to adjust quickly. I glance at Brooke and watch as her chest rises and falls gently as she sleeps. She looks much more relaxed than she had earlier. I can't shake the image of the terrified look on her face as she was desperately gasping for air or how her body slightly convulsed as she began to lose consciousness.

I take a moment to look at her, like—really look at her. Even while she sleeps, this girl is exquisite. I mean, she's just very beautiful. Her hair is a mess yet neatly kept all at once. Her face is seemingly flawless and I can tell that she takes great care of her skin. And her lips—she definitely has the prettiest lips I've ever seen. Is that weird to think? That sounds kind of creepy. I look at them again. They're rested slightly apart and are extraordinarily pink. I wonder how soft they are.

Geez, Niall.

For a moment, I consider reaching out to caress her cheek. I decide against that because if she wakes, she might find that odd. I am a stranger to her after all.

Yes, but have you seen the way she looks at you? I doubt the girl would mind. Also, you saved her so you're not a total stranger.

Okay, so that's my little conscience. He can be very straight forward at times, but I must admit that he's got a point. I've come face to face with this girl a couple of times now and she does look at me very...curiously. I've seen her looking at me at the bakery when she thinks I'm not looking. Those secretive little glances of hers makes me wonder if she might find me attractive too.

Just as I am about to stand, Brooke begins to stir. I watch as she stretches nearly every inch of her body, her fingers and toes both curling in the process. She seems to be aware of the I.V. in her arm as she doesn't really move that part of her body. A soft sigh leaves her lips before her eyes flutter open. She reaches up to brush the hair out of her eyes and looks around the room. When she sees me, her lips part and she even gasps a little. 

"Sorry, you scared me a little. I wasn't expecting to wake up to a visitor." She lets out a quick huff as she presses a button to lift the bed up so that she's in a seated position.

"I didn't mean to startle—"

"No, it's okay. No worries." She sends me a small smile and looks down at her hands. I find a smile of my own beginning to pull at my lips and a sudden forceful thump in my chest.

Niall, cool it.

"Uh, how are you feeling?" She looks at me again and answers with 'sore' before looking down again to inspect the different tubes and wire looking things that lead into her chest beneath her gown. I take my bottom lip into my mouth and lightly chew on it.

A few moments of silence pass before she speaks again. "Did you really stay here all night?" I nod when our eyes meet again. She holds my gaze for a few seconds before giving me another smile. This time, she appears a little flushed as she looks down at her hands yet again. I slide to the edge of my seat and lean a little closer.

"I wanted to make sure that you were going to be okay." A small, but noticeable gasp escapes her lips and I notice that the monitor recording her heart rate escalates a little in speed.

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