Chapter Fifty Nine

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Be sure to keep an eye out for the epilogue that will follow this. I am currently bawling my eyes out so please bare with me and the grammatical errors that I am sure will occur throughout this last official chapter. I have decided that I will make the long author's note separate from the epilogue (It will be the very last update of this book). So when you have finished with the epilogue, please don't remove this book just yet. Thank you so much.

Much love,


PS* Watch for the flashbacks, they will be italicized. I hope it is not too confusing. I will try to make it as easy to understand as possible.

-Niall Horan-

I allow my fingertips to trace the skin of her cheek. My eyes watch as her smile grows and her eyes find mine. She watches me sleepily and brings a hand up to lay on my bare chest, right over my heart. It's beating so fast.

Her features are glistening in the sunlight that peaks through our window, lighting up only half of her face. Her long, soft chestnut waves are spread out across the mattress and pillows, and I slide my palm from her cheek to her neck, and allow my fingers to twirl a few strands of hair. She softly bites her lip.

I shift closer so that I'm close enough to press a kiss to her lips.

"I love you." We both breathe against each other's mouths. The kiss breaks apart with laughter from the both of us.

I squeeze my eyes tight before finally opening them, revealing a snow covered landscape. The wind has picked up, creating a bitter sting to cross my uncovered skin. I can feel my teeth chattering as the wind howls. I smile a small, sad smile.

"Earth to Niall." I blink a few times as Harry's hand waves right in front of my face. When my eyes finally tear away from the beautiful girl across the room, I see his knowing smirk.

"What?" I ask, a bit irritated that he broke my view.

"Go talk to her. You aren't necessarily strangers anymore. You can talk to the girl." I allow my tongue to swipe across my bottom lip before hauling myself out of the chair. I weave my way through the tables and to the bar, directly in front of where she's sitting on the other side. She looks up from her book and smiles. I feel my breath catch in my throat.

"Hi Horan." My smile grows.

"Spencer." She giggles and I chuckle at our flirty nicknames for one another.

When I realize that I've been staring for a moment too long, I clear my throat. "May I ask you a question?" She sets her book down, folding a corner to mark her place before nodding.

"Are you free anytime this week?" I can feel my palms getting sweaty and I run a hand through my hair, a bad nervous habit that I need to work on.

"I'm pretty sure I'm free this evening." She smirks at me. I let out a nervous laughter.

"Would you-uhm-would you like to go on another date? I mean, I totally get if you say no. Ah--that sounded bad. Uh--" Her smirk is replaced with a grin.

"I would love to." My eyes snap up to meet hers and she's got a soft smile on her lips. I raise my brow.

"Yeah?" She nods. I also nod, smiling a large smile. "Good, good. I'll pick you up for dinner around six?" She nods again and I turn around, excitedly smiling to myself.

When I reach mine and Harry's table. I sit with a grin still plastered on my face. Harry shakes his head at me. "Man, you've got it bad." He lets out a chuckle and I don't even try to deny.

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