Chapter Twenty Two

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Niall Horan

I've been sitting in this hospital chair for about ten hours now and I haven't dared to move.

What happened back at Brooke's apartment has to have been the most terrifying experience I have ever had.

She was helpless.

I physically was not capable of helping her.

Last night was a complete blur. All I really recall about the whole situation was Brooke begging me not to leave her and how much she cried. I don't think she was particularly aware of how hysterical she was. She cried a lot.

I recall that she looked weak--so weak.

I've never felt so helpless.

All I could do was tell her that everything was going to be okay when I didn't even believe myself. I wish I could have protected her from all of that. I wish I could take her damaged heart away from her and give her a new, clean one.

A small sigh snaps me out of my thoughts and I set the journal onto the little bed side table. My head tilts up to look at Brooke and I watch as she slowly begins to move. She winces several of times before her eyes open. She looks around, confused. I didn't think she'd really remember much of what happened.

I scoot forward a little when her eyes land on me. Again, her brows furrow.

"Hey beautiful." I quietly say to her. A small smile tugs at the corners of her mouth despite the confusion that's surely passing through her head.

"What-what are you doing here?" This time, my eyebrows knit together in confusion.

Perhaps she does remember some.

"Do you really think I'd leave you?" I shake my head. "That was definitely out of the question, Miss Spencer." She bites her bottom lip, suppressing a smile.

Again, she looks around the room for a moment then down at her own body which is clothed in a crisp white hospital gown. She turns one of her arms over and frowns at all of the wires and tubes that are connected to her body.

She shakes her head and glances up at me.

"What time is it?" I look at my watch.

"It's half past seven." Her brows knit even closer and I frown this time.

After a moment, she tries to lift herself into a sitting position, but gasps in pain.

"Oh," she huffs and I quickly push myself out of the chair. My hands find her shoulders and gently hold her still.

"Hey, hey, don't move too fast. I don't want you to hurt yourself." I shift forward to help guide her body into a sitting position, so that she can be comfortable. get comfortable.

Once she's situated, my hands find the sides of her face and I tilt her head down so that I can kiss the top of it before taking my seat again.

"Are you alright? Do you need anything?" She immediately shakes her head no.

"Brooke, please be honest with me. If you're in any kind of pain, please tell me. I understand that you don't want to be here and that you're probably afraid that you'll appear weak. I really just don't want to see you in any pain." I shoot her a soft smile. 

"With that being said, do you need me to get a nurse?" She stares at me for a long moment before slowly nodding. I push myself out of my chair once again and lean down to press another soft kiss to her forehead, letting her know that I'll return shortly.

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