Chapter Fifty Eight

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Niall Horan

*October 3rd*

As I sign the dotted line and pass the pen to Brooke, a huge smile breaks across my face. We did it.

The judge takes the signed documents and seals them, placing them in a pile of other files that need to be stored away.

"Congratulations you two. I hope this gives you the opportunity to grow abundantly in life and to love one another even more than you already do." Brooke smiles at me, her hand grasping mine lightly. My thumb moves across the back of her hand, occasionally hitting the ring that I gave to her a little over four months ago.

"Thank you, Judge Turner. We really appreciate how easy you made this for us." He wishes us well and sees us out.

When Brooke and I are out of sight, I quickly grab her by the waist and kiss her. Her cold hands come up to caress my cheeks and I smile as I bite her lip. When we pull away, I press my forehead to hers and she giggles.

"God, I love you. I really, really love you." She smiles and pushes forward for another kiss.

"And I really love you. But, we need to head over to Harry's. They're all waiting on us." I nod and kiss her once more before walking her to the car and opening her door.

. . . . .

The moment we walk into Harry's home, there's a large uproar of "congratulations"! Brooke laughs as she leans into me, placing her hands on my waist. Our friends begin to come up and greet us with smiles and hugs. I'm not sure I've ever seen Brooke so happy.

When I spot Harry, I squeeze Brooke's side and tick my head, letting her know where I'll be, but she grabs my hand and follows my step. We reach Harry, whom has Theo perched on his side. I hold my arms out to the young boy and he comes right to me. Brooke leans against me, putting a hand on the child's back and turning so that we make a small circle.

"I love you, baby." She whispers to me. I can't help but to lean in and kiss her.

"I love you." I give her another soft kiss before kissing her forehead.

"I love you too!" Theo giggles in my arms as he moves some of Brooke's hair out of her face. She kisses his cheeks, over and over, causing the child to giggle loudly.

"I love you the most." She whispers to him. He nuzzles his face against her cheek and then wraps one arm around her neck, falling into her. Brooke takes Theo from me and begins to sway back and forth.

I take a look around and smile at all of the happiness around us. My eyes find my beautiful fiancé and newly adopted son, and my heart nearly melts. I shake my head and press a hand to Brooke's back, yearning for an alone moment with the two of them. We sneak out the back door and Brooke sets Theo on his feet where he takes off running towards Harry's dog. I watch as he chases the dog, then begins to get chased only moments later.

My eyes find Brooke's and my heart gives a heavy thud when I see her watching Theo with a very motherly look about her. She must feel my staring as a small smirk forms on her lips.
"Quit your staring, honey, and come here." I chuckle and quickly oblige. She slips a hand around my waist, tugging me close by my sweater.

"What're you thinking so hard about?" She whispers as she turns to look back at Theo. I watch her for a moment, admiring the loving look on her features.

"Us and our future." No reason to beat around it. She hums and tightens her hands at my waist before looking up at me. She smiles that breathtaking smile.

"Quit worrying. We've practically got our whole lives ahead of us. We're both much healthier, miraculously, we have great jobs, we're still very in love, we're getting married, and we just adopted your nephew. We have a child now, Niall. Our lives have only just begun." I stare at her, amazed to be hearing what I'm hearing. I kiss her because I am literally speechless. She sighs against my lips. When I pull back, her eyes are still closed and her lips pull into a smile.

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