Chapter Fifty Three

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Brooke Spencer

My eyes slowly open and my legs extend before me, stretching out the stiff muscles. I look around and see that most of the passengers have their lights out and are fast asleep, and the ones that aren't are just reading or watching a movie quietly.

I look down and see Niall's head in my lap, exactly as he was before I fell asleep. One of my hands subconsciously move to his hair and begin to comb through the soft strands, which unfortunately wakes him. He moves around a moment and then rolls over so that he can look up at me. I shoot him a soft smile, to which he attempts to return, but it only looks sad. My heart gives a painful thump.

I lean down and press my lips, lightly to his. I pull back only a little and peck his lips again before sitting up. Niall grabs my hand and laces our fingers, then pulls them down around him as he rolls back over. I lean my head back in attempt to get some more sleep. However, an attendant comes on over the intercom and tells all of us passengers that we will be landing in Dublin in about ten minutes. Niall releases a soft sigh and sits up, though he keeps our fingers locked. I give his hand a small squeeze and my heart sinks when he doesn't return it.

. . . . . . .

Seeing Maura was a lot tougher than I had expected. She broke down the moment she saw Niall come through the front door. Denise was also there, holding a sleeping Theo and my heart shattered at the site in front of me. We didn't stay awake long and headed to bed rather early, but Niall hardly slept. He kept moving around, even in his sleep, just trying to get comfortable. He claimed to be restless the times that he'd wake up and at one point, he even left the room. After having been alone for an hour or so without his return, I decided to go look for him. When I found him, my heart felt even heavier than it had been since he told me the news. He was laying in Greg's childhood bed, holding his mother close to him. I turned around and went to lie back down in his bed, patiently waiting for his return. He never came back to bed though.

When my eyes open, they are hit with sunlight that blinds my vision. Immediately, I roll over in hopes of finding Niall, but am greeted by an empty bed. I sigh and  push myself up before grabbing the essentials to get ready for the day ahead of us. After gathering my clothes, I make my way into the bathroom and close the door--or try to. A foot is caught between the door and the frame and I quickly open it, revealing Niall. He looks so tired. There are dark, prominent bags beneath his eyes and his face is just slightly paled.

"Hi." I breathe into the silent air between us and stare at him for a moment. Before I'm able to open my mouth again, he has some how managed to step inside and close the door, quickly pushing my body against it. His lips meet mine in a frantic manner as his hips roll against mine. I'm taken back by his rushed movements, but don't have long to think about them as he quickly grabs his shirt by the nape, pulling it from his body, then presses his lips to my own again. I gasp when I feel is fingers dig beneath the waist band of my shorts and underwear, and pull on them, slightly dragging them down my legs. I step out of them and watch in bewilderment as he hastily pulls his jeans down, followed by his under garment, then pushes his lips into my neck. I can't help but groan when he lifts one of my legs, wrapping it around his hip. The other shortly follows and before I can even begin to understand what is happening, he pushes into me. Another breathy moan falls from my lips and my nails quickly dig into the skin of his back.

My name falls from his lips as he pulls back and pushes back in, in a repetitive motion. I bite into his shoulder, trying to prevent myself from crying out. His movements are so quick that I can't even begin to wrap my head around what's happening. He's never acted like this and to say it concerns me is an understatement. However, in this moment, my worry and concern are brushed off as he continues his quick movements.

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