Chapter Twelve

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Brooke Spencer

I knock on the door and wait a few moments before turning the handle. There's no surprise that it's unlocked. I shake my head in brief annoyance. "She really needs to start locking this." I mutter and Niall agrees. She's nearly ninety years old and lives alone. Leaving that door unlocked just gives the wrong person the opportunity to come right in.

"Norma?" I call out, but there's no response. Niall closes the door behind us as we fully step inside.

"The kitchen is right through there." I point to the right. "Would you mind setting the soup on the counter?" He murmurs a quiet response then heads in that direction.

"Norma?" I call out again but am still greeted by silence. I move through her home checking all places where I'd think she'd be until I reach her bedroom. When I walk in, I find her laying in her bed under several blankets. Her night stand is covered in used tissues and medicine bottles.

"Norma?" Her eyes slowly open as I move closer. She blinks several times before reaching for my hand. I take a seat on the edge of her bed.

"How are you feeling?" I watch as she attempts to sit up a little. She grimaces with every movement. Concern begins to dig into my stomach. She gives me a playful glare.

"Sweet girl," She pauses. When she opens her mouth in attempt to speak, she begins to cough. I grab the nearly empty glass of water beside her and offer it to her. She shakes her head and sits all the way up so that she can continue to cough.

"I told you it was only a cold." She manages before the coughing takes over again. I shake my head and move the water into her line of vision once more. She takes the glass and finishes the water. Her coughs subside.

"Norma, I've told you that I worry about you whenever you grow ill. A cold for you could be just as dangerous as a heart attack." She sends me a look with a hint of annoyance and I shake my head. "You know I'm right." I stand from the bed and take the glass from her hands. "I'll be right back. Niall and I brought you soup, and it's in the kitchen."

I walk through her cozy home and into the kitchen where I find Niall leaned against the island, looking at all of the pictures on the refrigerator. I clear my throat to notify him of my presence but he doesn't tear his gaze from the photos. I raise a brow at his silence. Before I can prod, he begins to speak. "You're in so many of them." I approach him and look at the pictures. So many of those pictures are of Norma and I. A smile tugs at my lips as my eyes scan over the many, many memories that we have with each other.

"She was an only child and doesn't have any children of her own." I lean against the island and cross my arms in front of me. "I guess you could say that I'm the closest thing to a daughter or granddaughter that she has."

"Is she married?" I purse my lips and realize why he asked. There are a few pictures of Norma with an older man.

"She was. He was the love of her life. I believe they were together for about forty two or three years. He grew ill several years ago though and passed away." I look at Niall and find him slightly frowning.

"She must be lonely." He turns to look at me. I turn back to look the the photos and begin to chew a little on my bottom lip.

"I worry about that all of the time. You have no idea. That's one reason why I like to stay so close to her." I gently sigh. "She's also the closest thing I have to a mother." I can feel his eyes on me but I don't look at him. It almost feels like he's contemplating asking me a question and I feel a shift in the air around us.

"What about your real family?" His question doesn't necessarily surprise me but I'm always taken off guard when my blood relatives are brought up. "Do you have any family from Texas?" I nod.

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