Chapter Twenty Eight

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Niall Horan

"Here's some tea, my love." My mum sets a mug in front of me. I thank her and take a sip.

Looking outside, I notice how the sky is turning a whitish grey as a wintry mix begins to fall. The snow and ice begin to accumulate on the ground, painting a picture perfect landscape.

If only Brooke was here to see it too.

I hope she's safe and warm.

I've been home for all of one day and I couldn't be happier. I've missed my family like crazy and am blessed to be here with them.

Despite being home, my longing desire to be with Brooke tames my excitement. I can't help but to feel periods of sadness because she isn't near. I didn't sleep well last night. I think my body knew something was missing.

I haven't spoken much about the girl who has undeniably stolen my heart. Instead, mum and I have been catching up on life and talking about old times. It's been nice. She's filled me in on the town drama that I've missed since I left. I know she's curious about Brooke. The questions are definitely lingering in her eyes.

The sun just set and the temperature has dropped. I take another sip and feel my insides warm. There's nothing quite like the tea that my mother makes.

Except for Brooke's hot chocolate. That stuff could warm the heart of the grinch or even Ebenezer Scrooge.

My mother excused herself from the kitchen and I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

My heart flutters.

I fish the device from my pocket and see that my heart flutter was for a reason.

From: Brooke Spencer
I miss you.x

The truth is, I love being home. I love this country and it's people. I adore being with my family and catching up with old friends. I love the rolling green hills and the starry night skies.

The greater truth?

I long for London because it offers the one thing that my precious home does not.


. . .

After breakfast, my brother arrives. Once he sees me, he bounds to my side.

"Niall!" He exclaims as he engulfs me into a tight hug.

"Goodness, you've got to be even taller than me." I chuckle and think back to when mum picked me up from the airport.

Have I grown?

"I've missed you." We pull from one another and he nods at me.

"I've missed you. It's been too long." I quickly agree.
I direct my attention to Denise, his wife, and quickly pull her into a hug. She laughs and wraps her arms around me.

"How are you dear?"

"I'm doing very well. And yourself?"

"I'm good. I'm thrilled to have you here. Theo?" She calls for her son and he comes running around the corner with a sleepy expression. When he sees me, his features brighten.

"Uncle Niall!" He screams and comes running to me. My heart beat picks up and I bend down to scoop his body into my arms. He squeals with excitement.

"I miss you!" I laugh as I press a kiss to his head.

"I missed you. I love you so much." Again, I kiss his head.

"Stay?" I nod at him and he leans in, nuzzling his head into my neck.

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