Chapter Forty Three

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AN. Hey babies!! Wow, okay! Big things coming soon! Happy reading!x


Niall Horan

Once I've retrieved my luggage, I turn on my phone. My stomach drops when I look at the screen.

Niall, I need you to pick up your phone.

We need help.

Brooke needs you.

Pick up your damn phone!

There are many more texts following as well as an endless amount of phone calls. I receive another text as I continue to scroll through them.

Honey, you need to call Liam when you land. He just called my phone and it seems urgent. I love you.

He called my mother?

With this final notification, I return Liam's many phone calls as I walk toward the exit. He answers before the first ring is finished.

"Man, where the hell have you been? We need your help."

"What's going on? Is Brooke okay?" A soft voice sounds from somewhere in the background and Liam lets them know that he's finally reached me. I feel my stomach drop at his comment.

"Liam, talk to me. What the hell is going on over there?"

"When are you coming home? I don't think—"

"Answer my question!" Agitation slips into my words and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Finally reaching the doors, I see Harry's vehicle parked along the curb.

"We don't think she's okay, Niall. She's been drinking ever since the funeral and she's not communicating with either of us. She refuses to acknowledge either of us a-and she's drank a lot." I swallow the lump in my throat as I open the door to Harry's back seat. He shoots me a small smile and a wave as I place my luggage into the seat.

"I'm on my way. Harry is picking me up from the airport as we speak."

"Oh, thank God. Man, she needs you." I climb into the passenger seat and give Harry a handshake.

"We're leaving now and will be there in about twenty minutes."

"The door will be unlocked." With that, I hang up and snap my seatbelt into place. I release a heavy sigh which earns a glance from Harry.

"Everything alright?" I shake my head with another exasperated sigh.

"I have no idea. Liam says Brooke isn't okay and the funeral really messed her up." He chews on his lip as we take the ramp to get into the interstate.

"Where to?"

"Brooke's place. I'll direct you as we go."

. . .

"Thanks again, Harry. Be careful on your way home. Text me when you're there please." He nods and waves me off. I hurry into the lobby and into the elevator, nodding at the security guard in my brief passing. My leg bounces beneath me as I try to level my breathing and my heart rate.

I let myself into her flat once I've reached the door and am greeted by Liam. I drop my bags and my coat off in the entry way.

"Where is she?" He ticks his head back toward the hallway.

"I think she's finally asleep. She must've crashed after the amount of alcohol she consumed. She drank—I think we found three empty bottles of moscato." My jaw tightens at the new information.

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