Chapter Forty Five

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Brooklyne Spencer

I wake to a dim lit room and to the sound of heart monitors. My chest feels stiff and heavy with pressure and what I'm assuming are needles. I begin to stretch both my arms and legs, when I feel that my right hand is restricted. I take a glance, my eyes meeting Niall's slouched body in an uncomfortable arm chair. My lips pull into a small, lopsided grin as I watch his chest heave in an out, and I think to myself of how lucky I am to have him.

I take my left hand, though restricted with tubes and wires, and reach over to Niall, slightly turning my body. I allow my fingers to push strands of his hair back from his face, trying to avoid waking him. He begins to stir, squeezing my hand, but soon slips back into a slouch. I take my bottom lip into my mouth and softly stroke the back of his hand with my thumb. I continue to stare at him, his face looking so innocent while he's fast asleep. I really love him.

"You can literally see how much you love him, just by the way you look at him." I jump when I hear someone's voice. That someone being Arralyne. I look at her and see her stand from her seat, walking to me. I give her a small smile and allow her to sit on the side of my bed. Again, I turn back to my back and look up at her. She stares at me, a soft smile playing on her lips. She takes my left hand in hers, being careful not to move my ivy.

"He hasn't moved from your side since two nights ago. He refused." My heart gives a thud at her words, showing in my heart monitor, when the beeping picks up for a couple of seconds. Arralyne gives a soft laugh.

"Wait, two nights?" She nods and brings her hand up to tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, you passed out early yesterday morning from all of the medication they gave you." I feel myself frown in confusion.

"What happened?" I ask, probably already knowing the answer.

"You had another attack, Brooke. It was bad too." I nod once, before giving her hand a squeeze.

"And the reason?" She squeezes mine in return, but doesn't respond. I look at her and see a look of concern in her eyes.


"Your heart was failing, Brooke. There wasn't enough strength for it to keep pumping blood through your system." Again, I nod before looking over at Niall. I take notice in the way his hand lightly grasps mine as he sleeps. He has got to be very uncomfortable, but I don't have the heart to wake him.

Before either of us can say anything, we both turn to look at the door as it opens. Hayden's head pops in and a bright grin spreads across his face as he welcomes himself inside. I too, feel a smile tug at my lips, grinning at one of my best friends.

"So, how's my girl?" He asks softly, obviously noticing Niall's appearance. He sets a bear and a goody bag on the table, before coming towards me.

"I'm feeling better than I was, that's for sure. What are you doing here?" Arralyne stands, giving one last squeeze to my hand, before allowing Hayden to nearly pounce on me.

"What? I can't come see my best friend?" I giggle at his sarcasm and hug him back to the best of my ability. He sits up and takes Arralyne's previous position, but instead, lays my hand on his lap.

"Please, for the love of God, do not ever scare us like that again. That phone call at three something in the morning doesn't do much, other than scare me shitless everytime." He chuckles, but his words cause me to frown.

"I'm sorry, Hayden. Really." His laughing ceases before he shakes his head, and leans down to kiss my forehead.

"Babe, don't apologize! You didn't know you were almost going to die that night." At this, I playfully role my eyes and push him away.

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