Chapter Fifty

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Brooke Spencer

Waking up again has to have been one of the most pained experiences I have ever been through. With a heavy chest, several of needles, an achy body, and difficulty breathing, to say it was painful and scary is a vast understatement.

Now as I lay here in this hospital bed, waking up yet again, from a drowsy sleep, I'm not nearly as afraid as I was before. My eyes scan the room, taking note of the dark sky, beyond the window.

My eyes then flit up to the annoying heart monitor and tubes and wires that are connected to it. That's when my heart begins to pick up, just the thought of the reasons behind my appearance at the hospital in London, nearly sending me into another cardiac attack.

When another sound resonates with my own heart monitor, my eyes quickly shift to the source. My eyes grow wide at the sight.

Laying in a bed, mirroring my own, is Niall. He is hooked to a heart monitor as well, but also an ivy is situated in his arm. Though he isn't dressed in hospital gowns, he appears to have been treated as any patient.

I try to remain calm, surely there's perfectly good reasoning for his situation, but my mind and heart refuse to believe that. The monitor beside my bed begins to quicken in pace and I begin to suck in some short breaths.

The sound of my monitor must alarm Niall because his eyes shoot wide open, and his monitor also jumps. He nearly jumps from his bed when our eyes meet, but I quietly beg him to stay put, my voice very very soft.


"Please stay right there," I quietly beg him and he obliges but frowns in the process.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay?" Again, my heart rate jumps and I blush at its timing.

I hum in response.

"I'm a bit sore, but I'm alive aren't I?" My eyes take a glance at his, where I find that they haven't moved from me.

Niall softly chews on his bottom lip and appears deep in thought. The look that he's giving me doesn't exactly settle well in my stomach. His eyes are sad, a nervous gleam to them. I'm about to question him, but I'm cut off by his own words.

"Can I lay with you?" My eyes shoot to his ivy and heart monitor before back to his own.

"Should you really be mov-" I cut myself off as I watch him. Niall begins to move, pulling his body into a sitting position, then planting his feet on the ground. He takes a moment before he pushes his weight from the bed and begins to walk towards me. I frown as I watch his obvious struggle. Something is very very wrong.

When he reaches me, he slightly stumbles into my bed and catches himself by his hands. His heart monitor spikes, pulling both of our attention towards it. I frown a deeper frown as I realize that something really is not okay.

"Niall.." His eyes move to meet mine, their color quite dull compared to normal.

He slowly climbs into the small bed with me, our bodies pressing into each other's. Immediately, our legs tangle and our arms find each other's. We remain quiet once we've settled in.

I feel the overwhelming need to question him of his condition, but my thoughts are short lived as the door to our room opens and my father walks in. He blows out a long huff as he eyeballs Niall whom just finished situating himself. His eyes flit to mine before he frowns, but quickly replaces it with a tight grimace.

"Brooke, how are you feeling?" I watch him for a moment as he crosses over to both of our monitors.

"Much better than before. Im a little sore in the chest, but I'm better." He remains silent as he checks the data on my monitors, a soft frown pulling across his lips.

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