Chapter Thirty One

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I feel the bed shift beside me, then a warm presence curl into my body. My arm reaches out, slowly pulling her into me, a light laugh coming from her lips.

"I guess I ended up on that side of the bed last night." I hear her voice mumble into my neck.

"You're already trying to get away from me, I see." her body begins to slightly shake with laughter, as she buries her head deeper into my neck, her fingers toying with my shirt.

"No, not at all." Her words come out as whispers against my skin. Only seconds after her statement, I feel her lips press to the base of my neck.

"Even though we've been with each other four days straight? Not tired of me yet, babe?" She shakes her head, tugging me closer by my shirt.

"Nope, not at all." I smile and lean down to press a kiss to her head, then lay my own back on the pillow.

Of course, Christmas night I stayed with Brooke at her flat. The next day, we went out, actually went ice skating, which was incredibly fun. Brooke had never been, making it only that much more romantic. She actually fell one time, and pulled me down with her. And me being me, didn't waste such a cliché opportunity to kiss her, there on the ice, while other couples skated around us.

We went back to her house that night and ordered some pizza, just hanging out with each other. So, we crashed at her place that night as well.

We got up the next day, the twenty seventh, and decided to go grab some coffee, down at Norma's bakery. Brooke doesn't have to work as much because Norma has gotten an extra set of hands working there now.

After the coffee and having had told me about the New Year's Eve get together that she and Arralyne were planning to throw, we went back to her place and both began inviting people. As far as we know now, of course Brooke and I, and Arralyne and Liam will be there. As far as our friends are concerned, we know for certain, that Louis and El, Zayn and Perrie, and Sarah and Harry will be there. Brooke also invited Hayden and Amanda, but they are still undecided. So if they show, they show. No big deal.

After the guest list was made, we went out and bought a ton of food. We got chips, sodas, various alcohols, and plenty of other foods for the night. We also picked up black and gold streamers with gold balloons, and took them back to her place. We also pulled out some extra white Christmas lights to use. So we spent the rest of that day decorating, in which we went all out on, having had bought a ton of decorations.

We finally finished decorating at about ten thirty that night, then ended up falling asleep as soon as we landed on her bed.

The next two days, we hung out with Arralyne and Liam, seeing as Arralyne returned from visiting her family. We all went to the movies, hanging out playing board games, and going out to dinner, almost like double dates. Its weird, but in a good way. I've just enjoyed being with Brooke. We've practically been inseperable. Liam even pointed that out last night while playing monopoly. He said something about the way we've been looking at each other, and how it shocked him how we were even holding hands. I haven't had a chance to really tell Liam that Brooke and I are official, but I'm sure he's caught on.

However, Arralyne has undeniably caught on, and I can tell how pissed she is. She literally cringes every time she sees Brooke and I touching, even looking at each other. Brooke pulled her aside last night several of times, asking her what was wrong, and Arralyne would shrug it off, pissing Brooke off more and more, each time. Brooke grew harsher every time she asked Arralyne throughout the evening, until she gave up. Brooke got so angry with her at one point, that she just got up and walked out of the room. I followed quickly behind, until we reached her room and I allowed her to vent to me. I have figured out that Brooke needs to vent out her feelings, to feel better. Kissing her tends to help out as well. I don't mind either, to be honest. As long as I can be here for her, that's what will make me most happy.

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