Chapter Forty Nine

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Hey there, everyone. I can't believe this is chapter 50! Wowwwww!
Okay, I hope you love it! Also, I hope you don't want to kill me.
I love all of you so much!x


Niall Horan

I spend the rest of the week with Brooke and my family. It quickly becomes much more obvious that she is the real deal for me.

She's really it.

It's in those simple, innocent moments that I draw closer to that conclusion.

For example, I adore seeing her with children. When's she's playing with my nephew or Amy, I swoon. There's just something about the way she interacts and holds them that draws adoration from my body. I adore her motherly instincts.

It's when she's in the kitchen cooking or cleaning. When she's alone, she hums and does cute little dances. She's usually barefoot, only wearing my t-shirt and boxers. I live for those moments where I get to sneakily watch her and admire her from a distance.

The time we've spent with my family, she's been so adamant about helping my mother out. The two are usually found in the kitchen either prepping a meal or cooking, and even just laughing and giggling away. The fact that they get along so well, warms my heart.

I love my mum and Brooke dearly. Seeing my two favorite women fondly interacting has taken a death grip on my heart and won't let go.

That was a very important step in mine and Brooke's relationship.

It's when we lay in bed at night, her body spread across my own. When our legs are tangled and her heart is directly level with mine. I love how when I feel hers thumping against mine, I know that she's safe. I can relax in those moments, knowing that she's right there with me.

It's when her lips are on mine and our bodies are molding into each other's as if it was going to be the last time that we'd ever touch. The way her body comes alive when I touch her kills me. That woman is going to be the death of me. There hasn't been another that has done to me what she does.

It's when our hands are claimed in one another's and my thumb is rolling against the back of hers as soft as possible. There's always a special spark that I feel when her fingers squeeze my own. It's another way that she tells me she loves me.

It's simply her.

It's in all of these moments and even more that I know that I'm going to marry and hold this woman for the rest of our lives. I certainly want nothing shy of that.

I love her more than I love myself.

She's become such an important person in my life and in such a short amount of time.

She's quickly become my everything.

I dip my head to press a small kiss to Brooke's temple and I see my mum smile from the corner of my eye. Brooke keeps her eyes on Greg as he continues a story about me in my younger years. Her hand squeezes my own that rests on her thigh. A small smile tugs at her mouth which results in one of my own.

Her hand turns over beneath my own and she feeds her fingers through mine. I bite my lip and allow my eyes to focus on her face. Her eyes are attentive to my brother. It's easy to tell that Greg has her utmost attention.

My eyes travel to her mouth. It holds that small, ghost of a smile, but also a humble expression, all in one.

She is one mesmerizing girl.

"You're staring," Brooke mutters under her breath, a small, barely noticeable smirk on her lips. I shake my head and dip my head again, bringing my mouth to her ear.

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