Chapter Nine

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Brooke Spencer

Okay, where is the garlic? I need the garlic. I look through the refrigerator and grow frustrated rather quickly. I know I bought some just last week and I know it has to be here somewhere. There's some movement behind me and I glance over my shoulder. Arralyne grabs a glass from the cabinet. "Do you have any idea where the minced garlic is? I can't find it." I close the refrigerator door and turn around. She turns around, reaches for something on the bar, then turns back to me. What's in her hand? The garlic. Of course.

I take it from her hand and thank her. I pop the lid open and collect a spoonful to add to my simmering sauce. Once I get it stirred in, I place the lid onto the pan and wipe my hands off on the nearest dish towel. "So, remind me again why we're having them over?" Really, Arralyne? I thought we had moved past this. She literally had the same question when I told her we would be hosting Niall, Liam, Hayden and Amanda this week. She didn't seem to have any issues with Hayden or Amanda, but it really seemed to bother her when I mentioned the two newcomers.

"Well, let's see. Niall took time out of his schedule to take me to the hospital, stay the night there with me, and bring me flowers. We were practically strangers and he saved my life. The least I could do is cook him dinner." I shake my head and grab the dinner plates to bring them to the dining room. Arralyne follows behind.

"What I'm having a hard time understanding is how you don't find it strange that he spent so much time over the next week at the bakery. I find that a little stalker-ish. I mean, you don't know anything about this guy other than the fact that he saved your life and hung around your work like a creep when you weren't there." I basically slam the stack of plates onto the table and spin around. 

"I'm sorry that you're having such a difficult time understanding why I am repaying him for the kindness that he showed to me. He went to my work to see if I was back because I think he likes me. And guess what, Arralyne? I think I might like him too. I don't know him very well but we've started to get to know one another, and I plan on continuing that over dinner tonight. If you have such a huge problem with that, you're welcome to leave. You don't have to eat with us tonight." I whip back around and begin setting the plates in front of each chair then go back to the kitchen for utensils and napkins.

There's a knock on the door and I hear Arralyne say that she's going to get it. I continue placing the silverware beside each plate. I hear Hayden and Amanda both greet her and then the door closes. Hayden comes into the dining room. "Hey Brooke." I send him a smile and he holds up a paper sack. "Mind if I use the oven to heat up the bread?" I instruct him on where to find the baking sheets and he excuses himself into the kitchen.

Amanda follows him without a word to me and I find myself rolling my eyes. I'm really beginning to dislike her more and more. The least she could do is say hello if she's in my home. I finish placing the silverware and grab the wine glasses to set on the table as well. Once that is finished, I move back into the kitchen to stir the sauce then excuse myself to go clean myself up. When I walk in my room, Jack greets me. I give him a good scratch behind his ear then walk over to my mirror. Thankfully, I still look presentable and just need to fix a few loose strands of my hair. 

Just as I exit my room, there's another knock on the front door and I call out letting everyone know that I will get it. As soon as I open the door, my eyes meet Niall's. I send him a soft smile before inviting them inside. Liam compliments me on how nice the apartment is to which I thank him and offer to take his coat. He holds up a cheesecake platter and I point him toward the kitchen. When I turn to face Niall, I catch his eye and flush because I knew he was looking at me. "Hi." He smiles and returns the greeting.

"You look lovely." I thank him and offer to take his coat as well. I hang both of them on the hooks beside the door then lead him into the kitchen. My stomach is full of knots as I introduce the two of them to Arralyne, Hayden and Amanda. I'm excited to have Niall here meeting my friends. There's something that feels very right about having him in my home surrounded by a couple of people that mean the world to me. 

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