Chapter Thirteen

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Brooke Spencer

When I was younger, I soaked up every single second of this day. It was always a day for my dad and I to celebrate together. We tried trick or treating for a few years, but we always wound up wanting to stay inside to watch scary movies all night long. My mother always threw a fit about it. She and my dad would bicker for hours, it seemed like, because she wanted me to dress up and she wanted pictures. My dad always chose to ignore her attitude about it and assured her that he'd take some pictures of the two of us during our movie marathon. Her complaints subsided until I had my first nightmare over 'The Exorcist'. Looking back, I could now agree that her concern was fair. I was eight at the time and didn't sleep in my own bed for about two months. Dad decided to scale it back a little until they felt I was old enough to handle those types of scenes.

My father and I shared a strong bond with one another. He was my best friend. Our Halloween nights were one of the many things that I loved most about our relationship. Every Halloween, I definitely miss him and our night of horror movies. I miss talking and laughing with him. I miss hiding my face against his shoulder during the absolutely terrifying movie scenes and I especially miss him teasing me about being a 'scaredy cat'. He would never let me live it down.

Even now, after all of these years, I wonder what he'd think of how brave I've become. I used to never watch horror movies without him but now I watch them year round in the dark. I think he'd be impressed—proud even.

I flip my blinker on as I exit the highway.

Would my dad be jealous if I told him I wanted to spend Halloween with a guy instead of him? I wish I didn't feel bad about this, but I do. Every Halloween since his death, I've dedicated the night to us. I have always lit a candle in his memory and watched some of our favorites. Is he watching me now in sadness? Does he wish that I'd turn my car around and go back home?

Am I just anxious? Am I anxious about cutting that tradition or spending that tradition with someone new? Why am I so on edge about this?

My heart begins to thump a little harder and I swallow tightly before switching lanes. My GPS alerts me about my pending arrival. I've got three minutes until I reach Niall's home. The neighborhood is nice, from what I can tell, and it seems quaint and comfortable here. Thankfully, there are no children out this late, due to the frigid downpour, so I don't have to work too hard to drive slow. I turn once more and the map leads me up the hill past a few more homes before letting me know that I've reached my destination. I park behind Niall's car and turn off my headlights and windshield wipers.

Nerves like I've never felt before settle tightly in my stomach. Why am I so nervous? It's a date. It's nothing more and nothing less. I've been on dates and recently with Niall.

Get a grip, B. You are freaking me out and I'm part of you. You're going to scare him if you keep acting like this.

I know she's right and I absolutely despise when she's right. I need to take a few deep breaths and relax. It's an easy date. There won't be much talking. There might be some cuddling, hand holding and maybe even a kiss or two. There's nothing major about that.

I breathe out a deep sigh before turning the car off.

Just stay calm.

Niall Horan

"What time will she be here?" I glance at my watch before setting the bowl of candy on the coffee table beside a bowl of popcorn.

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