Chapter Twenty Five

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Brooke Spencer

It's been four days. Four days since I've seen those soft crystal eyes that I've grown so fond of. It's been four days and I am a mess.

Today is November twenty ninth: my birthday. Of course, without question, Niall has been planning for and is going to make it a very special night for me. I just look forward to seeing him. I could care less what we do; I just want to be with him.

"Alright, Arralyne. How do I look?" I step out of my room, and walk down the hall to the dining room. What I see when I walk in, is and isn't so much of a surprise. Liam is standing there, pinning a wild looking Arralyne to the wall, kissing her roughly. I fold my arms and lean against the wall, arching my brow. I loudly clear my throat causing the both of them to jump and pull from one another. Arralyne straightens her shirt and Liam runs his hand through his strands a few times, clearly caught off guard.

"Well hello you two. Might want to consider getting a room next time, only a suggestion." I shrug and smile as I watch their discomfort. Arralyne scowls at me until she realizes my attire.

I'm wearing a black tight fit, long sleeve dress, that falls at mid thigh. Gray ankle boots with a small heel, accents my foot, and my neck is adorned by a sterling silver cross necklace.

"You look hot. Almost too hot. Doesn't she look hot Liam?" He groans in annoyance. Arralyne smirks to herself, but nods at me in approval.

"You look lovely Brooke. And by the way, Happy Birthday." I smile at him softly, quietly thanking him. I hear my phone ringing from my room, and hurriedly make my way to go grab it.

"Hello?" I say, slightly breathless.

"Love, you alright?" Nialls voice rings in my ears.

"Wonderful. Absolutely incredible."

"Okay, well I called to ask you to do me a favor." I pull my phone from my charger and walk across my room, applying some perfume, humming in response.

"I need you to go to your door, there's something there for you." I smile and bite down on my lip.

"Okay." I squeak out.

"Stay on the phone with me as you do so." I begin walking out and reach the dining room where Liam and Arralyne are no where in sight.

"Almost there." My heals click loudly against the hard wood flooring. I reach for the handle and pull, looking out. I gasp as I look. There are three bouquets of red roses, with seven in each.

"Niall, they're beautiful." I muse to him as I pick them up and bring them inside.

"There's something else for you on your balcony." I smile to myself and set the flowers on the table, heading to the balcony. I hadn't even realized, but the fire is glowing out on it.

"What on earth are you doing to me Mr. Horan?"

"Well Ms. Spencer, I'm giving you something you deserve." I press my lips into a straight line, refraining from smiling too much, and feel the familiar heat of a blush rest on my cheeks. My fingers grab the handle and slide open the door. Cold wind urges past me, causing me to shiver. However, the shivers disappear at the sight before me.

Niall is leaned against the railing, dressed in a nice, black suit, the wind softly pushing against his quiff, and a single white rose is twirling within his fingers.

"Niall?" I'm still speaking into the phone, but he hears that I'm physically with him. He pulls the phone away and sucks in a breath. His eyes scan my body up and down before settling on my face. I gulp, locking eyes with him.
Locking eyes with those impossibly blue ones, that I've been dying to see.

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