Chapter Fifty Six

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*WARNING* This chapter is going to be very sad. Prepare yourself and please don't hate me.

Brooklyne Spencer
*6 days later*

These past few days have been hell. Pure hell. Never in my twenty two years of living have I experienced so much pain. Every single cardiac test, every pin, every fucking needle--nothing has ever hurt so much.

I feel my heart give another, unhealthy thud against my rib cage. Exhaling loudly, I take a large gulp from the glass bottle that I'm holding between my fingers--my drinking glass long forgotten.

Jensen nudges my shoulder with his nose and I look over to see him staring at me. When I don't do anything else, the dog lets out a whine. I quickly scold him and take another long sip before leaning my head back against the wall and closing my eyes.

"Get out." I breathe as my heart monitor spikes.


"I said, get out." My eyes glare at his weak frame. A moment of silence washes over us. He then takes a small step forward, looking as if he might fall at any second. He's quick to steady himself and I continue to watch as he makes his way to me.

I shake my head and hold up a hand. "Niall, stop." He doesn't listen though.

An unexpected, soft cry falls from my lips. Jensen whines once more and lays his head in my lap. I sniff and try to wipe my tears away. There's a knock at my door and I turn my head to look out of my bathroom and towards my door.

"Brooke? Babe, let me in." The voice comes from Hayden. A voice that I've missed dearly. I wipe at my tears again and push myself up. Well, I try to anyways. I shake my head and try again. This time I'm actually successful.

Slowly, I maneuver my way through my dark room, my body heavily hindered by the alcohol that I've consumed. When I open the door, Hayden's eyes slightly widen before he shake his head. He reaches out, as if to hug me, but I flinch and dodge his touch. I watch as he recoils in concern. I immediately advert my eyes to the floor but step to the side to allow him entrance.

After Hayden walks inside, I close the door and flick on a lamp by my bedside. The room is eerie and very still as we both stand, not uttering a single word. I notice as he takes a look around at the very clean room, despite the scattered alcohol bottles. I also notice the way he begins to shake his head, followed by a scoff.

When he begins to speak, his words take me by surprise. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

My eyes slightly widen and I immediately become defensive. "Me? What's wrong with me?" Shooting him the nastiest look, it's my turn to scoff. His eyes widen.

"Brookelyne Spencer," he pauses. "I can not believe you." After this is said, I feel the alcohol begin to take serious affect.

"What the hell are you going on about?" If he wants a fight, a fight is what he's going to get.

"Y-you! Look at this." He proclaims as he throws his hands in different directions, I suppose indicating my collection of empty bottles. "What the hell has gotten into you?"

"You weren't there. You have no room to say anything. So why don't you keep your fucking mouth shut!" He appears taken back as my voice raises.

Hayden sighs and drags a hand down his face. When I can see his eyes once more, anger seems to surface. "This-" he throws his hands out, "isn't helping a damned thing. All of this shit is just killing you faster, Brooke!"

"Well, that's my decision to make!" I yell back at him. He shakes his head, clearly appalled by my behavior tonight. He stammers for a moment before letting out a frustrated groan.

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