Chapter Forty Two

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AN~ Hello my beauties! I apologize for taking so very long, but a couple of things.

1. It's been my last few weeks of summer! Ugh I'm so sad. Wish me good luck. I'm low key crying.

2. I've started a new fanfic! I've named it Silence (Harry au) and I would love if you all would go check it out when I release it! OMG I'm so so excited to be writing it! I will let you guys know when I officially publish the first chapter!

3. I have had to make such a sad decision. I've decided to delete my already existing Harry fanfic, Cursed. It is just too much for me to take on right now.

Okay..well I love you guys and maybe you might want to go check out the previous chapter for a refreshing of previous happenings!

You ready? Happy reading, my beauties.x


Brookelyne Spencer

"Are you going to be okay? You don't have to do this, you know." Arralyne asks quietly as we make our way to our seat. I've been standing by Norma's coffin for an hour or so, but now, the ceremony is about to begin and I just hope that I can keep it together.

I've been asked to speak at the funeral. It was at Norma's request, so of course, there's no way that I could deny, no matter how much I wish I could. This is to honor Norma.

I give a small, subtle nod, still not in the mood to talk. I still haven't spoken a single word, not even to myself, in four days. I haven't eaten much either. Arralyne has been so concerned about me, but I can't exactly respond. I've shut down and I'm not sure what could possibly pull me out of this rut.

Well maybe I do know. I'm pretty sure that Niall could, but he's not here. He has actually called and texted a vast majority of times, but I've just turned my phone off. What am I to say to him? I'm distraught, broken, hurt, and angry, and I'm not sure how to convey that to him. It's best I don't speak with him.

I hate that he had to leave during this time, though. I had thought that I would be just fine without him, but the moment I was left alone, I crumbled, and I crumbled hard. I know and understand that he had to go for his brother, I do get that, but it just hurts. It's so painful that the only thing that could've held me up, had to leave me at the worst, possible state. It fucking hurts.

"Awe, Brookelyne." A familiar woman confronts me with a hug. When she pulls away and I see an even more familiar face, behind her, I force a small smile. Seth and his mother, Missy, stand before me.

"Darling, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. She was such a dear, kind hearted woman." Missy speaks. I swallow and nod, slightly baffled at how they knew each other. I glance at Seth, a very saddened look in his eye. After a moment longer, missy bids myself and Arralyne goodbye, leaving Seth to trail behind. However, instead of immediately following, he stops and looks at me, a confused expression evident.

"Uh..where's Niall?" The sixteen year old's, innocent question leaves my heart pounding and aching. Instead of answering, I look down, but soon feel Arralyne's arms around my shoulders.

"Seth, Niall couldn't be here today, a family problem came up. Sorry about this. She's kind of emotional." Her hands smooth up and down my sleeved arms, while I look up, fighting back a wave of tears.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, tell him I said hello and that I wish him well?" Arralyne thanks the boy on my behalf and we see him off. I let out a long kept breath and shrug Arralyne's arms off of me, before taking a seat on the front row, clenching the folded up piece of paper that my speech is written on. Arralyne takes a seat beside me, grabbing my free hand and squeezing. I look up at her, a sad, forced smile on my lips, my eyes entirely too glossy.

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