Chapter Forty Seven

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Niall Horan

When we arrive to Mullingar, I feel that familiar feeling sink into my body. I feel more at home already, and we've only just passed over into the city limits. I suppose what makes this trip any different than the last, are two things. One, Greg isn't ill. Two, I don't have a devastated Brooke to worry about. Instead, I have her right by my side.

I look down and tighten my arm around her body as I dip my head to press a kiss to her head. She fell asleep not too long ago, but I just can't bring myself to wake her. As my lips leave her hair, she slowly stirs, before nuzzling back into me. My mum shoots me a knowing glance through the rearview mirror and I smile even bigger than before.

As we drive through the town, memories begin flashing by and I can't help but kiss her head again. I can't wait to show her around my hometown. I can't wait to experience old times again, but having Brook at my side makes things even more exciting.

I feel the car make a slow turn off of the main road and outlines of houses come into view, causing those butterflies to rupture in my stomach. The excitement is almost unbearable.
When my mum parks the car in our driveway, she turns around to look at us, but I hold a finger to my lips, softly instructing her that Brooke has fallen asleep. She smiles a warm, motherly smile and nods, before turning off the car.

"Would you like me to get your things?" Her eyes meet mine again as she turns around. I shake my head, declining her offer, planning on grabbing them after I bring Brooke inside. We share a mini dispute, softly bickering about who's getting the bags, and I actually win. I watch as she gets out and begins walking inside before I turn my attention to Brooke.

My fingers grab the handle of the door and I slowly slide out from beneath my sleeping baby. Once I'm on my own two feet, I reach inside and wrap my arms around her body, tugging her into my grasp. I lift her with ease and her head involuntarily falls into the crook of my neck, causing me to lean down and kiss her temple. She's out cold this evening, which only adds to why it was such a smart idea to get her out of town. She needs to catch up on her rest, I'll make sure of it.

When I walk inside, I'm greeted with that warm feeling and scent of home. I take a glance around as I walk her down the hallway, running into my dad. I'm still not used to him being back around and I hope that things go smooth while I'm here. I only hope no conflicts arise while we are visiting.

Instead of speaking to one another, we give each other nods and continue on our ways. I finally reach my old room and gently push the door open, noticing that nothing has changed. It's as tidy as ever. I make my way to my bed and pull back the duvet before laying Brooke's sleeping body onto the mattress where she curls into her side.

I smile at her and reach for the hair tie at the end of her braid, releasing it because I know she hates sleeping with her hair anyway but down. Next, my fingers find the buttons of her jeans, carefully unfastening them, then softly pulling them from her legs. She begins to move and stretch, but doesn't actually wake. I bring the blankets over her body and kiss her temple before pushing myself up from the bed and folding her pants, setting them up on the dresser.

. . . .

"How's she doing?" I hear mum ask as I walk into the kitchen.

"She's out cold. I think the lack of sleep has finally caught up to her," she hums and I reach into the cupboard for a glass so that I can get some water.

"You know, I didn't mean to pry, but I did see what you did when you brought her in. You're so gentle with her," I feel my cheeks flush.

"You saw that?"

"Mhm. It was very very sweet. I taught you well," she chuckles, resulting in a sound of laughter from my own lips as well.

"You did indeed," I finish my glass and walk over to her, where she's positioned in front of the sink, washing dishes. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and press a kiss to her cheek.

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