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Emma's POV

"So how do I look?" I ask as Jessie finishes adjusting my tie.

"Beautiful Sharky." Jessie says. "You look very very Beautiful."

"Is it normal to be this nervous?" I ask as I look at the podium I'm about to be speaking on.

"Given what you're about to do." My wife says. "I think you're allowed to be nervous."

"Oh my fuck." I mumble when I see a very important man walking over to me.

"Relax." Jessie says. "He's a human just like you."

"Hello Emma."

"Hi Mr. President." I say then I shake Barack Obama's hand.

"Emma we've talked about this."

"I know, but it still feels weird calling you Barack." I say as Mr. Obama's wife joins us.

"Did she call him Mr. President again?" Michelle Obama asks.

"Yep." Jessie says then she hugs the former First Lady.

"Emma we're ready for you two." A lady says then myself and Barack head up onto the stage then we sit down on the closest two chairs to the podium before the Superintendent starts speaking.

"What the fuck is my life?" I mumble as I look out at the massive crowd sitting in the stands.

"And here to talk a little bit about why she started these schools." The superintendent says. "Please welcome Emma Harris."

Ever since I knew I was going to make Real Miami an actual football club, I had a dream to open up a school system in Miami for at-risk kids.

After Real Miami was announced in Mid October 2020, I got in contact with some people down in Miami and I started the process of creating a school system.

Today is the opening of that school system which will be apart of the Miami-Dade County Public School District.

The elementary school is called the Imagination Academy.

The middle school is called Barack Obama Middle School.

The High School is called Thurgood Marshall High School.

I named the schools the way that I did because I wanted there to be more schools named after prominent Black people.

The Elementary schools mascot is the Cobras and the color scheme is Purple and Gold.

The middle schools mascot is the Tiger Sharks and the color scheme is Maya Blue and Gold.

The high schools mascot is the Bruins and the color scheme is Green and Gold

Once the school was starting to be built I sent out a district wide email that asked each school to send a list of at-risk kids to one of my friends down here along with the profile and school record of each kid so we could decide who we could take.

After we decided who to take, we contacted those families and offered them a chance to come to our schools.

When the families made up their minds we bought busses to take the kids from their home areas to our school and back everyday so they can have a good education.

The only cost the parents have is they have to buy a uniform for the kids, but the uniform is only 10 dollars for everything.

I wanted to have a uniform for the kids so that nobody gets bullied for how they dress.

"Here goes nothing." I mumble then I get out of my seat, stand behind the podium, and do my speech.

After I finish my speech I sit back down then Obama does his speech

Once the speeches are over I join the small group of people I know that came to the opening.

Everyone from Real Miami, Arsenal, Orlando, and Angel City are here today which I think is very nice since they all could be doing something else on their off day.

"That was a nice speech." Alex says.

"I still can't believe your the Dean of a school system." Ali says.

She and Ash came to the ceremony as well.

"You and me both." I say.

"Dude that's Obama." I hear someone whisper as the 44th President comes over with his wife.

"Well should we look around the middle school now?" I ask as I look at the former president.

We looked at the Elementary school before the ceremony.

"Sounds good to me." The 44th President then all of us walk across the street lot to the middle school and head inside.

Each school is right next to each other and the schools, as well as all the sports venues and parking lots for each school, cover a few square miles.

"Well that's a good portrait." Barack says as he looks at the portrait of himself that's hanging in the front entrance way of Barack Obama Middle School.

"This looks better than I imagined." I say as I look around the front of the school.

"Have you not seen it before?" Jordan asks.

"I saw the computer renderings, but not the finished product." I say.

Once we've looked around the front of the school we walk the halls and look in a few classrooms then we head to the gym part of the middle school. 

"Well that's a cool Mascot." Ali says as she looks at the Maya Blue and Gold Tiger Shark logo at mid court.

"Well you can all thank our favorite Nutmeg Queen for that." I say and motion to Tobin.

"Mom draw that?" Charlie asks as she looks at her Mom

"I did Munchkin." Tobin says with a smile as she lifts Charlie into her arms.

"And She designed the logo for the High School." I say.

"Really?" Alex asks.

"Mhmm." Tobin says then we continue looking at the Middle school gym.

Once we've looked at everything the middle school has we head across the street to the high school and start at the high school's athletic building since it's closest.

"I can't believe Nike did this free of charge." Ash says as we walk into the high school's basketball court.

When Nike heard what I was doing they offered to deck out both the middle school and the high school's athletic department with all the latest gear for every sport.

"Join the club." I say as I look at the High Schools Green and Gold Bruin's logo.

"You okay?" My wife asks as she stands next to me and rubs my back.

"Mhmm." I mumble.

"It's okay to be emotional Emma." Jessie says. "This is pretty fucking cool what you're doing."

"I know." I say. "Just never thought I'd actually do it."

"Well you did it." Jessie says. "And many many kids are going to be better off because of it."

"Yeah." I mumble.

"Why don't we go see the rest of the school then go get some food." My wife says.

"That sounds nice." I say.

"Well then come on Mrs. Dean." My wife says and intertwines our hands. "Let's go see your school."

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