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Emma's POV

"So you ready for your date?" Ash asks as I switch lanes.

"Yeah." I say as I speak into my phone.

"Where are you taking her?" Ali asks.

"Disneyland." I say. "She's never been so we're gonna go and spend the afternoon and evening there."

"What date is this?"

"Number four." I say.

Date number 2 was a date where we hiked around Angeles National Forest and took pictures of the scenery.

Date number 3 was a date where we went to the LAFC v Atlanta United game

"What time do you think you'll leave?" Ash asks.

"Right now we have plans to stay until the fireworks, but I'm just gonna let Jessie decide what we do." I say as I pull off on the exit I need to get off of. "Ash I'm almost at Jessie's place."

"Alright." Ash says. "Call me and tell me how it goes tomorrow."

"I will." I say.

"Bye Emma." Ash and Ali say.

"Bye." I say then I hang up.

Once I hang up I put my phone in one of the cupholders then I head to Jessie's apartment building.

When I pull up to Jessie's apartment building I notice her walking down some stairs so I park my car then she gets into the car.

"Hi Emma." Jessie says

"Hey Jessie." I say and smile at my date. "You ready to go?"

Jessie nods with a smile so we start the 45 minute drive to Disneyland.

Along the way to Disneyland Jessie and I chat about random things.

"Did you take a vacation after the World Cup?" I ask.

"Yeah." Jessie says. "My family and I took a trip to the Bahamas to relax."

"Well that sounds fun." I say as I pull onto the 10 freeway.

Moments after I pull onto the 10 freeway a cop pulls behind me and turns his lights on.

"For fuck's sake." I mumble as I pull over.

Once I pull over I roll down the window then put my hands up.

"I need you to get my registration out of my glove box and my drivers license from my wallet then put them in my hand." I say.

Jessie nods then she does what I asked and puts my license and registration in my right hand then she grabs my phone to, I assume, record this interaction with the cops.

"Is this your car Ma'am?" The officer asks.

"Yes Sir." I say.

"License and registration." The officer says so I hand him my stuff then he heads back to his car.

A couple minutes later the cop returns to my car.

"Here you go." The cop says and hands me license and registration. "Have a nice day."

The cop returns to his car so I roll up my window.

"Didn't even fucking say why I was stopped." I mumble as I put my license back in my wallet.

"Does that happen a lot?" Jessie asks.

"It use to happen monthly until I talked to the chief of police, the Mayor of LA, and the LA city Council about it then the last time it happened was in January of 2018." I say. "Must be a rookie."

"Here." Jessie says and hands me my phone.

"Did you post the video?" I ask.

"It's on your instagram." Jessie says. "Is that okay?"

"That's fine." I say. "Ready to go to Disney?

Jessie nods so I get back on the 10 freeway and head to Disneyland

45 minutes later we arrive at Disneyland so I park the car then Jessie and I get out and go buy tickets to get into the park. Once we have our tickets we hand them to an employee then we walk into the park.

"So where to first?" I ask as Jessie and I look at a map.

"Why don't we start from the back of the park and make our way to the front." Jessie says.

"Sounds good." I say. "But let's use the railroad to get there."

Jessie nods so we head over to the closest train depot, get on a train, then relax as the train takes us to Mickey's Toontown.

"Okay this buzzing is annoying me." I mumble when my phone buzzes for the umpteenth time then I pull out my phone. "Woah."

"What?" Jessie asks then I show her my phone. "Wow that's a lot of notifications."

Apparently the video Jessie posted has made headlines on social media and now a lot of people want to talk to me about what happened with the police.

"Do we need to leave so you can deal with this?" Jessie asks.

"No." I say as I open twitter. "I'll handle this."

Jessie nods then I type out a statement to put on Twitter.

Once I'm done I show Jessie the statement.

"Think this is okay?" I ask then Jessie and I read my statement.

My statement basically says I'm on a date and won't be addressing what happened in the video until tomorrow.

"Seem's good to me." Jessie says.

"Cool." I say as we pull up to Mickey's Toontown.

Once the train stops I tweet out my statement then Jessie and I get off the train and find our first ride of the day.

"Thanks for the mickey mouse ears." Jessie says as we leave a gift shop.

"No problem" I say as I grab the bag from the gift shop from my date. "Ready to go see the fireworks.

Jessie smiles and nods then we walk over towards where we can see the fireworks

I kinda lost track of time today.

I was having way to much fun with Jessie.

All I know is we rode some rides, got some lunch, rode more rides and visited different attractions, ate dinner, walked around the park for a little bit and went in a few gift shops, and now were going to watch the fireworks.

Today's been amazing.

"This good?" I ask when we get to one of the better spots to watch

Jessie nods then a few seconds later the fireworks start so I stand behind Jessie and wrap my arms around her.

As Jessie and I are watching the fireworks I look down at the beautiful woman in my arms.

"Hey Jessie?" I ask causing my date to look at me.

"Yeah Emma?" The Canadian says.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

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