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Emma's POV

"REF BLOW YOUR WHISTLE." Kelley shouts as we stand on the touchline at the end of the game.

Today's the World Cup Final and once the ref blows her whistle we will have won 2-0, we'll be World Champions again, and we'll have four stars on our shirt.

"BLOW THE WHISTLE REF." Sonnett shouts then a few moments later the ref blows her whistle.

Once the whistle blows all of us stream onto the field to celebrate with our teammates.

"EMMA WE WON." Alex shouts then she jumps on my back

"That we did Alex." I say as I walk over to where Christen and Tobin are hugging.

"Hey Emma." Christen says.

"Hello." I say then Alex gets off my back and hugs her wives.

Once Alex is off my back I walk away to give Preathlex some alone time while we wait for the podium to be built.

As we wait around for the podium to be built I sidle up to Hope.

"Hey Emma."

"Hi Hope." I say and hug my friend.

"If Ash kicks you out tonight then you can come sleep in my room."

"Alright." I say as I'm handed a white jersey. "What do I do with this?"

"Put it on." Someone from US Soccer rudely says.

"Don't have to be a bitch about it." I say then I put the jersey on.

After I put the jersey on we are told to line up to get our medals so I get in line behind Rose then I follow her up onto the podium.

Once on the podium I receive my medal then I head over to the team and wait for the trophy lift.

Eventually Alex and Carli bring the trophy over so we do the trophy lift then everybody takes pictures with the trophy.

After I take pictures with the trophy I head into the locker room, grab a bottle of champagne and a pair of goggles, then I sit in my locker and take off my boots. Once my boots are off, I put them and my keeper gloves in my bag then I grab my phone before I zip up my bag and cover my locker with the plastic sheet so my stuff doesn't get ruined by alcohol.

Once my stuff is covered I check my phone and scroll through the shit ton of texts I got since the game ends.

I decide to reply to Jessie's text and leave the others for later.

After I've replied to Jessie's text, I put my phone down, open the bottle of champagne, then take a drink of the champagne as I hear cleats coming into the locker room.

"Emma you can't have alcohol." Ash says as I notice who all is in here.

Ash, Ali, Christen, Tobin, Alex, and Hope are all in the room now."

"Says who?" I question then I drink the champagne.

"You're sober." Alex says.

"I've never been sober." I say. "I never went to those stupid AA meetings. I just stopped drinking everyday."

Ash goes to say something, but the rest of the team file into the locker room so we leave the conversation there.

Over the next hour or so we party and celebrate the World Cup win until we're told we need to leave.

Once we're told to leave I change out of my kit, put on my tracksuit, pack everything up into my bag, then I grab the World Cup trophy and head to the bus.

I've been designated as the player to make sure the trophy gets on the plane tomorrow.

I'm not planning to get hammered like the rest of the team so I don't mind.

Once I'm on the bus I put up a few instagram stories of me with the World Cup trophy then I put my phone in my pocket and rest my eyes for the journey back to the hotel. When we get to the hotel I grab my bag and the World Cup trophy then I head up to my room with Ash.

"I'll go shower with Ali while you shower." Ash says.

"Alright." I say. "Try not to miss the after party though."

"No promises." Ash says with a smirk then she grabs the stuff she'll need and leaves the room.

After Ash leaves the room I undress, put my dirty clothes, then I head to the bathroom and take a shower. Once I'm clean and sweet smelling I dry off, do my minimal make up routine, then I put on a pair of boxers before I leave the bathroom.

Once I'm back in the bedroom part of the room have a shirt on I put on my shirt for tonight, my pants for tonight, my socks and shoes for tonight, my rings and my necklaces then I put my medal on and wait for Ash.

"You ready to go Emma?" Ash asks as she walks into the room.

"Yep." I say then I get off the bed, grab my phone and wallet, grab the World Cup trophy.

Once I have the World Cup trophy I follow Ash to Ali's room then the three of us head down to the lobby to meet the rest of the trophy.

"So you have the trophy." Alex says.

"Mhmm." I say then I hand the trophy to Alex right before we start walking to the After party.

When we get to the after party were handed champagne bottles with sparklers on them then we walk into the after party.

"Finally." Kelley says as we're lead to the food. "I'm starving."

"You're also still drunk." I say as I hold Kelley back from bumping into a table.

"You're not wrong." Kelley says then she turns me around and jumps on my back. "So Emma."

"Yes Squirrel?" I say as I get in line for the food.

"How's it feel to be a two time World Cup Winner at the Age of 22?"

"Pretty cool Kelley." I say as we reach the food. "Now what do you want to eat?"

As I move along the food table, Kelley tells me what she wants to eat so I fix her plate and mine then I carry the drunk over to her family.

"I believe this Squirrel belongs to you." I say when I get to the O'Hara clan.

"MOM." Kelley shouts as her girlfriend take Kelley's plate of food.

"Hi Sweetie" Kelley's mom says as Kelley gets off my back

Once Kelley is off my back Ash pulls me over to where her family is at.

"Hi Emma." Ash's Mom says as she hugs me.

"Hi Aunt Tammye." I say.

"Your Mom would be so proud of you." Ash's Mom whispers.

"Thanks." I mumble. "I'm gonna go eat now."

I stop hugging Ash's Mom then I grab my food and walk to an empty table to eat.


Why the fuck did you have to bring up my Mom?

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