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Emma's POV


"Kelley I swear to all that is good in the world." I say. "If you're shouting makes Hazel and Kingsley cry then I will sic your girlfriend on you."

"Meanie." Kelley pouts as I set the twins down into their crib in the team chill room.

"What were you even gonna yell?" Moe asks.

"It's Christmas." Kelley says.

"I mean she's not wrong." Jessie says as she hands me a mug of Apple Cider.

Jessie's still breast feeding so neither of us are drinking coffee until the twins are weaned off of the breastmilk.

"Thank you." I say then my girlfriend and I sit down on the couch closest to the twins' crib.

"I can't believe it's our babies' first Christmas." Jessie says.

"Oh how time flies." I say as I watch as everyone streams into the chill room part of the 70th floor.

Once everyone has arrived I stand up and stand by the Christmas tree.

"Are all the presents here?" I ask and everyone nods. "Cool."

We decided that each person had to buy a gift for ever person on their club team then they could buy presents for whom ever they wanted.

So for example I bought a present for Julie and Christen then I bought presents for other people as well.

We did this so nobody would be left out.

"So I'd like to start the gift giving if that's okay." I say and everyone nods so I pass out three presents to everyone. "Go ahead."

"Emma." Ash says after everyone's opened their presents.


"How did you get all of us iPad Pro's, Apple Pencil's, and Magic Keyboard's?" My cousin asks then everyone looks at me.

"My Mom left Microsoft to work for Apple since they allowed her to work from home and bring me to work when she wanted." I say "Everyone at Apple liked her a lot apparently because when I graduated high school I was given a debit card by the Apple CEO which allows me to have free Apple products for life."

"Thats so sick." Emily says then I sit back down.

Once I'm sat down different people rotate passing out presents so I drink my cider, cuddle my girlfriend and our kids, and open my presents when I get handed them.

"Hazel and Kingsley got a lot of presents." Jessie says as we pack our presents up.

"Seriously." I say. "I think everyone got them something."

"Ashy." I hear Ali whisper from the couch next to me.

"Yeah?" My cousin whispers.

"I wanna have a baby."

"After the Olympics." Ash says

"Really?" Ali says and Ash nods

"I want to have a baby with you too." Ash says.

"They're gonna make great parents." Jessie mumbles.

"Yeah they will." I say. "You know they called first Dibs to hold our kids after COVID."

"Sinc and Shelina have dibs from my national team."

"I just wanna be able to hug whomever I want without worrying I'm gonna get COVID." I say.

"Me too." Jessie says then I remember something.

"Shit." I say. "I need to film that announcement video."

"I completely forgot about that." Jessie says as I grab my phone.

Once I have my phone, Jessie grabs it then she films me.

"Hi everyone." I say. "My family and I just got done opening presents and I just remembered I needed to announce the two recipients of the Lena Harris Scholarship."

During the COVID lockdown I made an announcement on my twitter page where I started a four year full ride scholarship for Black and Biracial women that are High School seniors.

The only criteria for applying for the scholarship was you had to be a Black or Biracial woman and pursuing a STEM Degree.

"I just wanted to say congratulations to Imani Morris and Alessandra Washington." I say. "You two are the first ever recipients of the Lena Harris Scholarship. I'll be in contact very soon to finalize all the details with you. I hope you have a great rest of your winter break and I'll talk to you soon."

Jessie stops filming then she tweets the video out and tags the two winners.

"That's a really cool thing that you're doing." Alex says.

"Thanks." I say.

"I'm hungry." Jessie says.

"Well we can't have that." I say. "I'll go start cooking."

- - - - -

"Can I say it?" Kelley asks.

"Jessie's changing the kids next door with Alex, Christen, and Charlie so sure." I say.

"PARTY." Kelley shouts.

"Good?" I ask.

"Mhmm." Kelley says and smiles.

"Good." I say. "Beer and shit like that is over there."

"Ooh beer." Kelley says then she walks over to the cooler with the beer.

"All better." Jessie says as she, Christen, and Alex walk into the room with the kids.

"There you are." Tobin says then she comes over and takes Charlie from her wives. "Mama missed you."

Tobin kisses Charlie's cheek then she and her wives walk away with their daughter.

"How's our prince and princess?" I ask as I take Kingsley from Jessie.

"They're all clean and have fresh diapers." Jessie says as we walk to the food table. "I can't believe it's already New Years Eve."

The team leave in two days so were having a New Years Eve party as our last fun thing we'll do together until March.

"Me either." I say as we get to the food.

Once at the food table my girlfriend and I get the food we want then we grab drinks before we head to a couch and sit down to eat our food.

"Hey Jessie." I say.

"Yeah Sharky?" Jessie says.

"Thanks for letting the team stay here for Christmas."

"There's no need to thank me Emma." Jessie says "It's been great having them here."

"I always wandered what an actual Christmas was like." I mumble.

"Well for the rest of time you'll know exactly what a real Christmas is." Jessie says. "Hey Emma?"

"Yeah baby?" I ask.

"What would you say if I told you I want to make love to you tonight?"

"I'd say it's your decision and I'll be okay with what ever you decide." I admit.

"Well." Jessie says. "What do you say we start the new year off with a bang?"

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