Chapter 35

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Sakura doesn't know what to expect in a party held by wealthy people in a conglomerate industry, the only parties she'd been at were back in College and most of the time she never really attended. But she knew this time, it would be a lot more different than the ones she was accustomed to. No casual attire, chatters and informal way of speaking. She knew this would be more suffocating than anything, it's just that, she doesn't know to what extent she should expect.

Right when Sasuke said that, so nonchalantly she might add, Sakura felt like they've gone another step farther ahead. An Uchiha's woman was what he said but seriously, there should be more better ways to put it.

Girlfriend? Lover? Fian–

Sakura stopped that thought before she could finish the word. She sat by her desk in front of his office as her eyes trailed down her hand before she unconsciously held her fingers, caressing them.

"Are you thinking it'll be better if there's a ring around it?" Sasuke's voice startled Sakura as she almost jumped in surprise before she stood up and put her hands behind her.

"S-Sasuke-kun," she started, too surprise to even say anything than his name that she stuttered. "Eh?! What did you say?!"

Only when it registered to her what Sasuke said did Sakura's flustered face came into view as Sasuke hid the smallest upturn of his lips.

"Nothing, let's go eat lunch outside."

Sakura watched as he started to walk before she followed him. She knew she heard something about a ring but she didn't dwell on the thought much as to not get herself more flustered than she is now.

They went to a restaurant near the Company. Nothing too fancy yet nothing less of a fine dine restaurant. Maybe that's why as they entered the place, by utter coincidence two very familiar people stood there as well.

"Mother," Sasuke said when he realized it was her parents who were about to head to their table.

Mikoto turned around as she looked at Sasuke and Sakura, the surprise was evident yet it was almost hidden by her gracious smile.

"Sasuke, Sakura. I was going to invite you two to lunch one of these days but since you're already here, why don't we have lunch together?"

She turned to the host and asked for another table for four before they headed farther inside. Sakura kept looking at Sasuke to see if he's fine eating lunch with his parents, not that Sakura knew much but the last time they ate on the same table it didn't end well. As they sat across each other the food came a few minutes right after.

Sakura heard a slight clear of a throat and she looked up to see Sasuke's father who's about to say something as Sasuke, too, looked at him.

"I heard you have been invited to Gaara's social event," Fugaku said, taking the glass before he took a sip of the wine.

"You heard?" Sasuke asked before he nodded.

"Oh that's nice! I suppose you're bringing Sakura as your date," Mikoto said, turning to Sakura.

Her eyes widen a bit in surprise as her cheeks turned pink. "Yeah, I guess," she muttered.

"Oh then should I call a fashion designer to have your gown fitte–"

"Mother," Sasuke cut her off as Mikoto turned to her son, her smile vanishing slightly as she raise her eyebrows. "There's no need to go that far for a social event hosted by that guy."

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