Chapter 40

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The night had gone a bit colder as Sakura excused herself from the circle of ladies who were talking about things like the latest fashion brand or which runway show they are invited to attend for the winter collection. Instead of pretending she is into those kinds of things, Sakura politely excused herself and went to look for Sasuke whom she later found talking with some men. Sakura waited for him to come to her instead as she walked up the spot where she can see the night sky more clearly.

The smell of the ocean is evident as she took a breath and the zephyr caress her face as if the breeze is lulling her to slumber. The stars were evident, they look so far compared to the starlings decorated in the city, the lights from Tokyo provided a vivid luminance from the Symphony Cruise.

Sakura suddenly felt something being drape on her shoulders before she looked to her side to see Sasuke, his coat drape around her.

"Sasuke-kun," she said, looking to where he came before she looked back at Sasuke. "I thought you might have been a bit busy earlier so I didn't approach you."

"Sakura," he said, leaning on the railing, glass of wine in hand. "There will be many circumstances when we will attend social events, and there will be cases when I have to talk to important figures."

Sakura just listened as she looked at him. "It's fine to approach me, I'll always go with you and leave those people."

"But you said they were important figures," Sakura muttered before Sasuke looked at her.

"Do you really think anyone can be as important as you in here?"

Sakura felt her cheeks reddened, whether it's from the wine taking over her system or what Sasuke said, Sakura was sure of one thing, tonight she felt an indescribable amount of happiness.

"By the way Sasuke-kun," Sakura started, suddenly remembering his earlier answer when the women asked about the date of the wedding. "You were not serious when you said the wedding would be next month, right?"

Sasuke was quiet for a second, as if he is thinking about his answer deeply.

"When have I ever jested?" he asked.

"So you were serious?" Sakura unconsciously rubbed the ring resting around her slender finger.

"I already have everything set," Sasuke said and Sakura's head turned to him just in time when Sasuke was about to lean in close to her ear. "The only thing that was left, were your wedding dress and your precious yes."

"Sasuke-kun, recently you were being a bit too romantic. Are you sure you're not sick?" Sakura asked, though her words may have betrayed her as she felt her cheeks reddened and a slight blush came to invade her face.

"Am I not allowed to?" Sasuke said, turning around as he leaned his back on the railing. "Besides, it's not like anyone can hear us. This side of me is exclusive only for you, keep that in mind."

Sakura knew that already, and still, it was hard to control her heart that is starting to beat faster and faster by the second as a smile invaded her face this time.

"Are you bored?" Sasuke asked after a while, taking a sip of the wine as he looked ahead, where the lights in the city can be seen in the distance.

"No," Sakura answered, shaking her head as she held his coat closer, it smelled like Sasuke and it felt as though he is right behind her, embracing her as she felt the upturn of her lips in a smile.

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