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Another SasuSaku AU Fanfic!! Hope you enjoy reading this story as much as you did with my other SS fanfic!







When Sakura thought of the night of her Graduation, during the Graduation party, her memories of that time were not as vivid but she knew everything that transpired that night were the reasons of the things that are transpiring in the present.

Sakura has always been a diligent student, she wasn't a prodigy in academics but she knew she's smart enough to pass all her exams and everyone around her always believe in her capabilities. She was always this girl with a big dream inside a small body. Imagine her happiness when she got admitted to her dream University in Sendai City, Tohoku University, and since then, Sakura had always dedicated her time in studying, only making a few friends all throughout the four whole years of going to College.

That's why when they graduated, Sakura has been reluctant to go to the Graduation Party.

"I don't really think I can go," Sakura said, putting the book she was reading down as she held the phone.

"You can't go or you don't want to go? Come on Sakura, it's literally a one time experience." Ino has been trying to convince her best friend to go to the Graduation party next week and she'd be damned if Sakura refused. She's refused a hundred parties throughout College and Ino will not be having her refuse this one.

Sakura sighed and rolled on the bed before she sat up and brushed the messy nest of her hair. She's been dyeing her hair pink since her first year in College because Sakura wanted to be reminded of the Chery Blossoms back in Tokyo, so having a pink hair helped her cope with homesickness.

"But I'm not really a fan of socializing. And besides, I'd be a lot more busy after graduation. I need to sort out my future and I'll be going back in Tokyo."

Sakura could imagine Ino rolling her eyes at the other side of the line.

"Exactly! After graduation, we'd be so busy to even go and party. So this will be the last time we can enjoy our lives as students."

"Okay fine," Sakura said, the words sounding like magic to Ino's ears as she squealed.

"Cool! See you next week."

Sakura hummed in response before ending the call. Even though she'll be graduating in less than a quick, everything still felt so surreal. She still couldn't believe that four years had already gone by and that fast. So fast that Sakura wasn't able to do that one certain thing she's been wanting to do since she started College.

To go and confess to that guy. Sakura first saw him during the entrance exam. He's tall and lean, strong features but the most striking thing were his eyes. He's been the hot topic during their first year, that handsome freshman in the Commerce Department. But Sakura couldn't bring herself to tell him her feelings, she wasn't in high school anymore and she had matured so confessing to someone sounded so cliche to her. She actually talked to him quite a few times, from when they did a research for a thesis because they were on the same block in a unit during their second year, but still, Sakura never opened the topic up. Their relationship was a simple blockmates, would start and end during lectures.

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