Chapter 46

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Moving out? Sasuke has heard her right. Sakura said something about moving out. To say Sasuke was surprise would be an understatement. And the fact that not only his mother but as well as his father whom he didn't even know is still in the country are both here. And they're supposedly discussing about moving out. It didn't sit well with Sasuke, so much that his frown became more evident by the passing second and Sakura stood up.

"Are those syrup-coated anko dumplings?" Sakura asked, taking the box from Sasuke as she looked at it and her smile widened. "I'm just going to take this to the kitchen and prepare some drinks."

Sakura was able to make her way out of the seemingly awkward, or at least what's starting to be an awkward situation as she headed to the kitchen while Sasuke walked towards his mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a nod of acknowledgment to his father who cleared his throat as Sasuke sat across them, putting the bouquet of flowers to the side. Mikoto looked at it, a hint of a knowing smile playing on her lips before she looked at Sasuke.

"As Sakura said earlier, we were discussing about moving out." Mikoto turned to Fugaku who is looking at Sasuke.

"Move out? Where exactly?"

"There are good houses in Aoyama District," Fugaku said, his tone firm and it left no room for argument, like he always sound when he's talking to Sasuke, as if he doesn't have much of a choice. Part of it was the reason Sasuke never follow most of the things his father said.

"Aoyama? Our house is in Aoyama," Sasuke said, remembering the house he spent most of his childhood in.

"Yes! Your father and I thought of gifting you two newlyweds a new house in Aoyama District."

Suddenly they heard something fell on the floor and when they looked behind Sakura was on the floor sweeping some dumplings that fell from her initial surprise upon hearing what Mikoto said. Sure they were discussing about moving out, but not where. So when Sakura heard the name of the District that's known as one of the wealthiest neighborhoods around Tokyo, and to buy a house there as a gift, Sakura was, well, in shock to say the least.

"Oh, dear, are you alright?" Mikoto asked and Sakura stood up.

"Yes, I'll just go back.." Sakura pointed behind her. " the kitchen."

Sasuke sighed inaudibly as he turned back to his parents, his expression that of displeased. He asked for a way out by having his own penthouse, away from his parents as much as he can. But now they wanted him to move out to that neighborhood again, not to mention, it's not just him but his wife and child as well.

"You can go to Aoyama this weekend and look for a house. You can also bring Sarada-chan!" Mikoto said, her smile widening at the mention of her granddaughter who is fast asleep in her room.

"Your mother is right. Feel free to choose any house you want in the neighbor-"

"I don't want to," Sasuke said, cutting his father off before he could even finish speaking as Sakura came back and placed the plate of dumplings and drink on the coffee table before she settled on the couch beside Sasuke.

"You don't want to?" Fugaku asked, repeating what Sasuke said but his tone sounded as though he is challenging his son to repeat it again as he raise his eyebrow. "And why not? Your mother and I have offered it as your wedding gift, have we not? Must you not accept it?"

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