Chapter 10

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When Sasuke's mother told him the name of his new Secretary, Sasuke felt incredibly enraptured. It was a feeling he rarely feels and it has been a while since he last felt a genuine sort of happiness. It was like all the inauspicious and unfortunate things that occured before, like the almost engagement with the girl and the fact that he was sent to Canada to supervise a near failing Company and have Sasuke pull it up from the brink of falling down to the gutter, has become nothing compared to the fact that in a week, he's going back to Japan.

"To think that I don't have to search the whole Country for you," Sasuke muttered as he stood before the glass window. In his hand was the note she left a year ago, her neat handwriting sprawled on the paper as Sasuke read it once more.

"You seriously have a lot of explaining to do when I get back, Haruno Sakura." Sasuke folded the note and placed it inside his wallet and as if on cue, his phone suddenly started to ring.

He checked the caller's id and sighed inaudibly when he realized who it was before sliding the answer bottom, though he was tempted not to answer.

"Hey Sasuke! Did Auntie already tell you about it?" Naruto asked.

"About what?" Sasuke furrowed his brows as he listened to his friend. He sounded positively happy for someone who was force to work a job in the Company, and he wasn't even being paid. Because apparently, Naruto needed work experience, and it's not as if the guy is against it, in fact he seem happy about it.

"About your new Secretary, idiot! I was the one who interviewed her and believe me when I say, she's something else."

Sasuke found himself being annoyed by the second as he listened to Naruto. But what's new about it, he's always getting tick by Naruto, but this time, it was a different kind of annoyance that Sasuke couldn't help himself as he said his next statement.

"Stay away from her," Sasuke said, his tone deadly serious. But he should know better that Naruto is already immune to that tone of his, he's indifferent to Sasuke's threats so it was no surprise when Sasuke heard him laugh.

"Yeah? Stop acting so possessive Sasuke, she's just your Secretary," Naruto said. "Besides, you might want to hear this funny story. The day she went to the Company for an interview, she literally bumped into me and my iced coffee spilled all over her blouse and she snapped!"

"What?" Sasuke asked, gritting his teeth as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He was torn between hanging up and wanting to hear more from Naruto. But he decided on the latter.

"And guess what I did? Of course as a gentleman, I brought her to Ginza District, in our shopping mall and bought her a dress. I told her she doesn't have to pay for it but she insisted on returning the favor and we agreed on her buying me coffee so she gave me her number."

"She gave you her number?" Sasuke asked as he unconsciously gripped his phone that if he doesn't have a perfect hold of his annoyance, he would have long since throw the device out the window. Sasuke thought how she had the audacity to give Naruto her number and not even bothered writing her number on the note she left. Sasuke couldn't help but feel how unfair it was on his side and they already did it once and Naruto just so happened to spill his drink on her for her to give her number to him.

"She seriously have a lot of explaining to do when I get back," Sasuke muttered as he sat on his swivel chair.

"What was that?" Naruto asked because he thought Sasuke was speaking to him and Sasuke was so ticked he forgot Naruto was still on the other end of the line as he shook his head.

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