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Sakura had a dream. And so they say, one should always treasure dreams for most of it will be forgotten once a person comes back to reality. And most of the time the people who usually has a great dream would feel disappointed that they had forgotten all about it once they wake up, but Sakura was sure of it, whatever that dream was, waking back into reality is a lot better than staying in a dream.

Because once she woke up, Sakura felt a wave of happiness clouded her. Whether it was from the dream she had but had already forgotten, or because it's a special day today, she guessed it would be both.

"Are you awake?" A voice behind her asked, Sasuke who has his arm wrapped around her snuggled closer to her and whisper. "Good morning."

Sakura turned around to face Sasuke, her smile evident as Sasuke looked at her. "Good morning, Sasuke-kun."

"Do you know what day is today?" He asked, just to see Sakura's smile widen.

"I don't know, Sasuke-kun," she said. "How about you tell me?"

Sakura waited, Sasuke don't usually play along with this but she shouldn't expect as much since Sasuke turned around and sat up.

"Ah, I just remember today's Monday, I should better go to work," Sasuke said, standing up. He has his back turned on Sakura and she didn't see that small smile making its way towards Sasuke's lips.

"Sasuke-kun! What do you mean Monday? Today's Sunday! It's the 28th and it's my birth–"

Sakura was cut off abruptly and she found her lips sealed with Sasuke's as he supported himself up with his arms while he kissed her. And when he leaned back he pressed his forehead on hers lightly.

"Happy birthday," he said before giving her another kiss, this time it lasted shorter than the first and when he leaned back to look at Sakura, he found her lips in a slight pout.

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