Chapter 20

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Sakura stare at herself, the mirror in the bathroom is a bit foggy from the steam in the shower as she wiped it down and looked at the small red bruise on her neck. She touched it lightly, it didn't hurt as much but it was taking too long to fade. She doesn't expect it to fade overnight though, Sakura knew it'll be visible for a few days. But whenever she'd look at it, she would suddenly be reminded of what happened the other night and her face fell as she bit her lower lip.

"Why did I slap him?" She muttered, closing her eyes tightly as she looked down. "I can't believe I slapped him. How am I supposed to face Sasuke-kun now? He's still my Boss and superior."

But when she think about it, for some reason, that night when he was like that. Sakura felt a bit scared. She's never seen him act like that, but he's drunk. And he was saying some things that Sakura was sure meant something. So fed up with what?

Sakura shook her head and took a deep breath. "Alright, let's not think much about it for now."

She gave her cheeks a slight slap before she opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror one last time before she went out of the bathroom. After putting on her clothes, just a simple dress and a coat since it's a bit colder outside, Sakura made sure to put extra amount of concealer on her neck to hide the bruise. But then to make sure, she also let her hair down as well as she went outside her room.

"Mom I'm going to work now, take care of Sarada," she said as her mom was busy in the kitchen.

"Aren't you going to grab breakfast?" She asked from the kitchen and Sakura shook her head.

"It's fine, I'm not that hungry." Sakura put the baby down on her crib in the living room and kissed her on the forehead.

"Mama's going to work now Sarada, don't give grandma a hard time m'kay?" She said as the baby seem to understand her, with that big onyx eyes staring at Sakura for a second before the baby giggled.

"Why are you so adorable?" Sakura muttered as she gave the baby another kiss on the cheek and the baby giggled louder as she clapped her small hands.

But when Sakura left and shut the door, the baby's face seem to fell down and her eyes seem to droop. But she didn't cry, she rarely cry and Sakura doesn't know if she'd be glad or not that her baby doesn't seem to cry more unlike other babies. But then again, Sarada always seem to understand her whenever she talks to her and it wouldn't be long until she'll be able to say her first word and Sakura couldn't wait to hear that.

But first thing's first, as she stopped the car right outside the condominium of Sasuke's penthouse, she took a deep breath.

"Alright, pull yourself together Sakura," she muttered as she took a deep breath one last time before she stepped out of the car and straightened her dress just in time when Sasuke walked out of the lobby.

"Good morning, sir," Sakura greeted, bowing her head in front of him.

Just like always, she always greet him like that. But for some reason Sasuke seem to notice a slight change. She didn't say anything afterwards as she turned around and Sasuke proceeded to the car as well.

The ride to the Company was silent. It has always been silent but it wasn't the same like before and Sasuke could feel that. It was more awkward than it was comfortable and Sasuke looked out the window, his chin propped on his knuckles. Sasuke has never been the one to start a conversation, especially not the one as trivial. But for the first time, Sasuke found himself starting off a very trivial conversation.

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