Chapter 11

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Sakura has thought about meeting him again, how will she act, how will she talk to him, how will she tell him? Those were the occasional questions that she would easily brushed off as fast as it invaded her mind and would tell herself to think about it when she finally meet him and let the future her handle it because the present her still had no idea how to answer those questions.

But when Sakura found out who her Boss is, she had little no more than five minutes to prepare and she realized that even at that moment, she wasn't ready. To act like she know him, to talk to him casually or to tell him about the baby.

So Sakura used the excuse as his Secretary and introduce herself as such, but even then, it didn't seem like he liked it that much.

They were sitting at the back of the car and silence has engulfed them for little more than a minute but to Sakura, it felt like hours of awkward silence before she cleared her throat silently.

"Right, sir, we will be starting this Mo–"

Sakura was suddenly cut off when she noticed him raise his hand, as if signalling her to stop and Sakura closed her lips, a bit tightly as she adjusted herself on her seat.

"Let's not talk about matters concerning the Company. You will receive my schedule for the whole week later, but for now, just keep quiet."

Sakura couldn't believe it. She absolutely couldn't believe the audacity of this guy. Sakura was thinking so rudely of her boss that when he closed his eyes after leaning in, she gave him a glare. She knew Sasuke for four years in the University but he's usually always quiet and never speak unless spoken to. But now Sakura think he developed a second personality. Were he the one who told her that he'll tell her the details once they're inside the car? But now he seem to be sleeping.

But Sakura really couldn't say anything out loud, not that she can complain or anything. She was told to cook his lunch and dinner so after that, she's free to go home.

After a few minutes of silence, with Sakura making herself busy by memorizing the names and titles of the important people in the Corporation, the car stopped at a parking lot of a condominium in Shinjuku. Sakura looked at the side where she noticed Sasuke still had his eyes closed.

"Sir, we've arrived," she said, lifting her hand but contemplated whether to shake him on the shoulder or not.

But after a second, Sasuke stirred and opened his eyes, he looked around and realized the car was already parked before he sighed and stepped out of the car. Sakura followed suit as they proceeded to the lobby of the condominium and into a personal elevator that will lead to the penthouse. Sakura pressed a key card that Mikoto gave her a week ago, stating that it was the key card for her son's penthouse and Sakura always brings the card.

She stare at the numbers going up all the while completely aware of a set of eyes behind her as Sasuke stared at her.

"Did mother give you the key card?" Sasuke asked, almost surprising Sakura but she quickly compsoed herself.

"Yes, she did," she answered, though she didn't look behind and after a while the elevator door opened to the penthouse.

Greeting her is probably the largest living room Sakura had ever seen with leather couches and cushions. There is a coffee table in the middle that is made out of wood and the whole area is surrounded by glass windows overlooking the wide Tokyo Area. There is a spiral staircase that lead to the second floor where Sakura assumed was the bedroom.

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