Chapter 37

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A week right after the party, Sakura found herself in a cafe one Saturday morning with Ino sitting right across her. It's been a while since they last saw each other and although she's updated with everything going on, Ino still could not possibly believe what she just heard as Sakura finished telling her everything that transpired during the event last week with a smile. But instead, Ino raise her eyebrow before she looked at her best friend.

"That's it?" she asked. "He didn't even kneel on one knee or pull out a ring? Girl he didn't even ask you. He just said, let's get married like it's a given you'll say yes."

"Well, it's a given I'll say yes," Sakura said, taking the mug of coffee as she took a sip, feeling her throat a bit dry from talking for almost half an hour and the coffee had gone lukewarm. "I mean, why would I say no? We have a child. Besides, I'm not really expecting much. Just that simple thing from him is worth a million dollar diamond ring."

"Touche," Ino said, popping a cherry in her mouth that was atop the cake. "But you know, he could have at least given you a ring. So what if he bought you an expensive dress? Would anyone in that party know you're engage when they saw you wearing that dress instead of a ring?"

Sakura honestly wanted to forget some of the things that occured in that party, she still kind of regretted her actions, dancing with another guy just because she was jealous to see Sasuke dancing with a girl. Besides, he doesn't seem interested in the girl anyways. And Sakura still don't know who she is, not that the girl seem threatening. If anything she seems more kind than anyone, more demure even.

"Well, I'll just leave that to Sasuke-kun. The ring, eh?" Sakura looked down on her hand briefly before she touched her ring finger. "It sure would feel nice."

Marriage. The thought had cross her mind far too many times before. As a girl, Sakura is no exception when it comes to dream proposals and weddings. She has had her fair shares of dream weddings that she shared with Ino as far back as when they were in middle school. And to think that the thought would soon come to reality made Sakura a little more happy that she is going to marry someone she loves.

Love? Has there been an instance when she admitted that to Sasuke. She thought it doesn't need to be told since their feelings are connected already. But for some odd reason Sakura felt like she's missing something.

"Have I ever told him 'I love you'?" She found herself muttering those words and Ino raise her eyebrow.

"I don't know, have you?"

"Eh?" Sakura asked, looking up suddenly at Ino when she realized the thought that wasn't suppose to be spoken out loud has been heard loud and clear and Ino rolled her eyes as she pursed her lips.

"Why don't you tell him. Although telling someone 'I love you' isn't as much popular these days as before, the guy seem like he'd wanna hear that from you. I mean, no offense but he looks like he's secretly a very cheesy guy when it's only the two of you."

"How come you know so much?" Sakura asked, squinting her eyes suspiciously before she chuckled and Ino joined her as they laughed.

Soon after that, they left the cafe. It's a busy day in Ginza District and there are lots of people around. It's been a while since the two went out and Ino and Sakura decided to go to a mall, just some girl time as they walk around, before Ino pulled Sakura to a cosmetic store.

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