Chapter 4

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How come fate always seem to make fun of things that had something to do with hope and love? And how come time only grants them a small amount as fleeting as a snowflake to see each other? Sakura doesn't even know whether she really did see him or not. It happened so fast that Sakura has been in a daze questioning herself whether what she saw was real or just her imagination messing with her. It can't be him right? Sakura wanted to believe that it was him but after stalking him, well it was actually Ino's idea, they found out that Uchiha Sasuke left the country a few months ago.

For that reason alone, Sakura found it hard to believe the fact that he was there, just outside the train she was in, standing in the busy Shibuya Station. But for a split second, their eyes met, too afraid to even blink because he might vanish but then again the train started to move and all Sakura could see were blur images of the people outside.

They arrived back in the house, just in a quiet neighborhood, the noise in the City could be hear in the distance as Sakura and Ino went inside the house. Pulling off their coats before hanging them.

"What took you two so long?"

Sakura looked up just as her mother walked out of the kitchen, still wearing an apron.

"Auntie, Sakura here took so long to decide which cake to get. She even asked if there's a tomato cake. Seriously, what kind of gross pregnancy cravings do you have?"

Sakura looked at Ino, glaring at her best friend as Ino just laughed. Sakura's parents were living in Canada because her grandmother was bedridden, having them to take care of her, Sakura realized that her grandmother is more important and besides, she can take care of herself while going to the University. Her parents also work there so they only come back in the country during holidays like Christmas and they would stay here until a week after New Year.

Sakura has always been independent, she was raise to be one so she is absolutely fine on her own and her parents believed in her.

"Is the dinner ready?" She asked her mother as they all went to the kitchen were the dishes are waiting and her father was already sitting on the table.

They spend Christmas Eve like that, eating and chatting. Just the way a normal average family does during an evening like this. And Sakura is actually glad that she is raise in a middle class family, no dramas or turmoil, an average life will never be harder. As long as everyone is happy, just like this.

It was right after dinner that Sakura and Ino were outside, in the rooftop, overlooking the Tokyo Skyline. The small dots of lights illuminating through the darkness of the night.

"Sakura," Ino asked, in her hand was a glass of wine while Sakura hold a carton of milk yogurt. "You know, I noticed that you seem odd earlier when we got in the train. Did you perhaps see someone you don't want to see?"

Sakura looked at Ino for a brief second before averting her eyes back to the sight in front. Ino has always been observant and is the type to approach you first, that's how she and Sakura became friend first day in the University after all.

"It's not that I don't want to see them," Sakura said. But before she could even say anything after that, Ino suddenly grabbed her shoulders exasperatedly.

"Oh my Lord, are they the people you owe a debt from? Wait, but you never loan money from anyone."

Sakura looked less amuse as she stare at Ino with her eyes half-lidded, lifting the carton of milk as Sakura sipped on the straw before speaking.

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