Chapter 2

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It has been weeks of awful morning sickness, headaches, occasional vertigo and weird food cravings that Sakura thought she might seriously passed out and woke up in a hospital one of these days. But then, those weeks had gone by and Sakura fortunately overcame another obstacle as she now feel better, slightly queasy at times but nothing she cannot handle. It has been months since the pediatrician confirmed that there was really a human being in the form of a fetus inside her, not to mention, her stomach had gotten quite larger.

It was right after she had taken a bath, when she was about to wear one of her favorite shirt, Sakura realized something.

She couldn't fit in any of her clothes, considering that she doesn't have much baggy clothes to begin with. And by utter coincidence, Ino had message her earlier saying she's on her way to Tokyo. And thus, the two of them is now shopping for maternal clothes.

"Have you contacted your baby daddy?" Ino asked once they were inside a cafe after they were done with the shopping.

"No," Sakura muttered, taking a sip of her red tea as she averted her eyes down on the cupcake.

"Seriously, aren't you due in what, four months and you still haven't talked to him?"

Ino was not trying to become pushy. She did tell Sakura to tell Sasuke about that but Sakura said she'll have to tell her parents first. Which she did a month ago. Sakura didn't expect anything when she told them the news so she was very moved when they told her they will offer moral support. They were her parents but Sakura still felt happy and lucky.

But then after that, Sakura still haven't contacted Sasuke and she knew she will be having this conversation with Ino again.

"You know what, let's contact him right now."

Sakura's eyes widen as she saw Ino took her phone out. She was going to lean in to take the phone from her best friend when Ino yanked her hand farther from Sakura's reach.

"Ino, you pig. I swear if you dial a single number I'm going to break that phone of yours."

Sakura said as she glared at Ino who started to laugh. "Geez calm down. I was just joking. I don't even know his number."

Sakura huffed as she lean back on the chair, shaking her head, glaring at Ino but only slightly this time.

"But seriously though," Ino suddenly said after a while of laughing, her face had gone back to being serious as she took a sip of her frappe. "It seems like we know almost nothing about the guy despite going to the same University for the last four years."

Sakura stare at Ino, she does made sense. His whole self is shrouded in mystery, but that exact obscurity was what pulled Sakura to him. He was an enigma that made Sakura want to unravel him completely.

"For all we know he might be part of a Yakuza or gang," Ino said, shrugging her shoulders.

"But he didn't have a tattoo."

Ino stare at Sakura for a second, raising her eyebrow. "I was kidding, Sakura. But seriously, he didn't really have a tattoo? Not even a small one?"

Sakura shook her head. Besides, tattoos are prohibited in most of the airports in Japan.

"Oh dang girl, you've really seen the guy naked and ink free."

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