Chapter 15

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Sakura lie on the bed, staring at the ceiling for a few seconds to recollect her thoughts. Seven days, she survived as his Secretary for one week and Sakura was glad nothing personal has occured so far, except for that one time when Sasuke asked her about the University. It's not like Sakura doesn't want to tell him, she promised Ino she'd tell him about the baby but Sakura just couldn't bring the topic up out of the blue. She can't just expect herself to say, hey Sasuke you have a baby where's your child support? Sakura doesn't even wanted to think about anything along that line because that would make her sound like some gold digger who is after her baby daddy's money.

"No, I'm not that kind of a woman," she muttered as she rolled on her bed and sat up. Her knitted eyebrow slowly straighten before the sides of her lips turned down. "But I'm also not the kind of woman who keeps her baby from their dad."

She knew somewhere along the way she's bound to tell him. She just need to find the right chance and right moment. Maybe ask him out for a dinner or invite him in her house but Sakura doesn't want to think about it for now. Because today is Monday and she needed to feed her baby and go to work by seven.

After doing her morning routine, Sakura was about finish feeding Sarada when she heard the front door open and close and came in was Moriuchi-san.

"Good morning Moriuchi-san, I'll leave Sarada to you for the day," Sakura said as she leaned in to kiss Sarada on the forehead before she stood up.

Bidding temporary farewell, Sakura left and the taxi she booked earlier arrived just in time. Fortunately the traffic wasn't heavy unlike last time and Sakura wasn't late as she walked towards the lobby of the condominium and up the penthouse where she saw Sasuke walking down the stairs a bit hurriedly as he put on his wristwatch, and he wasn't wearing his coat yet.

Sakura bowed as he walked towards her. "Good morning,"

Sasuke nodded and when Sakura straightened up she saw his tie was still undone and he was walking towards the elevator already.

"Ah si– Sasuke-kun, your tie," Sakura said as she run after him and stopped in front of him as Sasuke halted on his tracks and looked down, only realizing his tie was still undone as he watched Sakura start to do his tie.

"You always seem to forget to do your tie," she said as she smiled and shook her head, causing some of the strands of her hair to fall down, curtaining the side of her face but Sakura was too focus doing his tie to even put her hair behind her ear.

And before Sasuke knew it, he has lifted his hand up, putting the strands of her hair behind her ear and Sakura momentarily stopped what she was doing before she looked up at him, her hands visibly frozen because of the sudden gesture.

"Your hair's long. It looks like it's bothering you," Sasuke said nonchalantly, retrieving his hand back as he put it inside his pocket and Sakura cleared her throat and finished doing his tie.

She unconsciously brushed the side of her hair as she turned around and proceeded to the elevator. "I was actually thinking of cutting my hair short."

She doesn't know why she suddenly blurted that out. She half expected Sasuke to say he doesn't really care or ask her why she even told him or something along those lines, but Sasuke didn't say anything as they entered the lift.

But after a while he did say something. And it wasn't exactly what she was expecting to hear from him.

"You can cut your hair short or keep it long, as long as it's not bothering you then I'm fine either way."

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