Chapter 38

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The somewhere else that Sasuke wanted to go turned out to be a place Sakura least expected him to take her. He'd taken her to expensive diners, fancy hotel restaurants and western cafe but never in this kind of place.

"The park?" She muttered when Sasuke stepped outside the car and Sakura slowly took her seatbelt off before she opened the door just in time as Sasuke did and she stepped outside as well.

It's the Sumida Garden to be exact, a local park where the famous cherry blossom trees align the sidewalk, a river and boats for a romantic evening date. There are also food stalls and even though it's only afternoon, there are already a lot of people. It's such a humble place for someone as wealthy as an Uchiha and Sasuke knew she's thinking about something along those lines as they started to walk.

"You're probably wondering why I brought you here and not a luxurious five star hotel," he said and Sakura quickly turned to him before she shook her head no and waved her hands frantically in front.

"No! I was just a bit surprise you know this kind of place. I mean, not that I'm complaining, I actually like this more than any high-end places."

The sound of children running around the park seem to get louder, the laughter and the not so cold afternoon breeze put Sasuke at ease. And for a while he forgot who he is, his status and his responsibility as part of the Uchiha conglomerate. For a while he felt like an ordinary man walking with an ordinary woman in an ordinary afternoon date.

"This place brings some of the very few pleasant memories I had with my family," Sasuke finally said once they were sitting on a bench, overlooking the park and river ahead, with the sun to complete the landscape view of their own.

"Tell me about it?" Sakura asked, although Sasuke is looking up ahead, he knew she's staring at him. The kind of look that Sasuke always longed for. To be stared at with no malice or wariness or judgment behind those masks that he often gets from the people in the conglomerate world. It was such a refreshing feeling to be stared at with those emerald green eyes that seem to put the shining diamonds to shame.

"When I was a kid, even younger than that kid in an orange shirt," he said, and Sakura briefly looked at where she noticed a young boy in an orange shirt, he looks to be around five years old and Sasuke was talking about his young self who was younger than that.

"I briefly remembered the times when we used to go here. At least in my memory, we were happy. But sometimes those childhood memories might not be real at all, maybe it's a way of the mind to complete those fragments that were long since buried at the back of my mind. But at least, the memory that completed it was that of us being happy."

Sakura fell for those words as she listened to the way he so eloquently put them together as if he is reading a passage from a novel. And Sakura smiled as she continued to listen.

"I want to bring you and Sarada here sometime," he said. "But not until we've made our vows."

Sometimes he could be blunt and nonchalant in a way that almost make Sakura sad. But there are also times when he could be romantic and sweet and although as cheesy as it may sound, Sakura still felt a stir in her heart and the million butterflies in her belly as she all but smiled and nodded.

"Sure, Sasuke-kun. Let's do it," she said and when she opened her eyes she saw Sasuke staring at her. Although he always wore a stoic expression, much like his father but Sakura would not say that out loud, she can see that the side of his lips turn up slightly in what could be as close to a smile.

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